Department of Electrical Engineering
Stanford University
Packard, 350 Serra Mall
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305
(650) 575-1367
My work focuses on Generative AI based methods for AI Ops, managing distributed (cloud) software systems in real time, and VAE methods for AI safety with OOD data.
Ph.D. Electrical Engineering, Stanford University
MBA, UC Berkeley
Previously, I was Partner for AIOps at Microsoft, President and CEO of Clearwater Networks, Sr. Director at Texas Instruments, and Sr. Director at SUN Microsystems.
Wireless Network Utility Maximization (DARPA)
Complex Network Information Exchange (AFOSR)
Limits on Flow of Information and Dependence in Networks (AFOSR)
Distribution Automation using Big Data (General Electric)
Energy Management Systems (EMS) for Demand Response (General Electric)
Gridspice: A Virtual Platform for Modeling, Analysis, and Optimization of the SMART GRID (TomKat)
Team Member
Information Theory for Mobile Ad-hoc Networks, ITMANET (DARPA)
Fundamental Performance Limits in Hybrid Networks under WMD Attacks (DTRA)
Co-Advisor Vinay Majjigi PhD 2010 (Globecom 2010 Best Paper Award), Apple
Co-Advisor Mayank Jain PhD 2011, Stealth Startup
Co-Advisor Ekine Akuiyibo PhD 2011, Oracle
Co-Advisor Aakanksha Chowdery 2012, Microsoft
Co-Advisor Zheng Wen 2013
Co-Advisor Trudy Wang 2016
Co-Advisor T Thanchaok 2016
University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
University of California, Los Angeles
University of California, Davis
Santa Clara University
Naval Post Graduate School, Monterey
A. Zhou, N.C. Landolfi, D.C. O'Neill, "Unsupervised language models for disease variant prediction," NeurIPS 2022 Conference on Structural Biology
N. C. Landolfi, D. C. O’Neill and S. Lall, "Cloud Telemetry Modeling via Residual Gauss-Markov Random Fields," 2021 24th Conference on Innovation in Clouds, Internet and Networks and Workshops (ICIN), 2021, pp. 49-56, doi: 10.1109/ICIN51074.2021.9385544.
T. Thanchaok, D. ONeill, S. Lall “Shape-based approach to household electric load curve clustering and prediction” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 2017
T. Thanchaok, D. ONeill, S. Lall “Condensed Representation and Individual Prediction of Consumer Demand” IEEE Smart Grid Comm 2016
T. Wang, D. ONeill, H. Kamath “Dynamic Control and Optimization of Distributed Energy Resources in a Microgrid” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2015.
M. Valdez-Vivas, N. Bambos, and D. ONeill‘‘Delay-Sensitive Power Management for Packet Switches,’’ IEEE International conference on Communications, 2013.
L. Mastroleon, D. ONeill, B. Yolken, N. Bambos, ‘‘Power and Delay Aware Management of Packet Switches,’’ IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol 61, Issue 12, Dec 2012.
Z. Wen, H. Reza, D. ONeill, ‘‘Optimal Demand Reponse Using Device Based Reinforcement Learning,’’ IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid
A. Chowdery, D. ONeill, J. Cioffi, ‘‘Demand-Driven Dynamic Spectrum Management in Digital Subscriber Lines,’’ Globecom 2011.
V. Majjigi, D. ONeill, C. Huppert and J. Cioffi, ‘‘Multi-User Buffer Control with Drift Fields,’’ Best Paper Award IEEE Globecom December 2010, Miami Fl, USA (pdf).
D. ONeill, M. Levorato, A.J. Goldsmith and U. Mitra, ‘‘Residential Demand Response Using Reinforcement Learning’’ IEEE SmartGridComm, Oct. 2010, Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA (pdf).
W. Chen, S. Meyn, and D. ONeill, ‘‘Optimal Cross-layer Wireless Control Policies using TD Learning,’’ IEEE Conference on Decison and Control, Dec. 2010 Atlanta, Georgia, USA.(pdf).
S. Firouzabadi, M. Levorato, D. ONeill and A. J. Goldsmith, ‘‘Learning Interference Strategies in Cognitive ARQ Networks,’’ IEEE Globecom December 2010, Miami Fl, USA (pdf).
E. Akuiyibo, S. Boyd, and D. ONeill, ‘‘Adaptive Modulation in Wireless Networks with Smoothed Flow Utility,’'IEEE Globecom December 2010, Miami Fl, USA (pdf).
S. Firouzabadi, D. ONeill and A.J. Goldsmith, ‘‘Optimal Power Line Communications Control Policies using Stochastic Optimization’’ International Conference on Power Line Communications, 2010, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (pdf).
D. ONeill, E. Akuiyibo, S.P. Boyd, and A.J. Goldsmith, ‘‘Optimizing Adaptive Modulation in Wireless Networks via Multi-Period Network Utility Maximization,’'IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, 2010, Cape Town, South Africa (pdf).
V. Majjigi, D. ONeill and J. Cioffi, ‘‘Stochastic Optimization for Variable Rate Applications with Time-Varying Statistics,’'IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, 2010, Cape Town, South Africa (pdf).
V. Majjigi, D. ONeill and J. Cioffi,‘‘Buffer State Information: Two-Level Water-Filling for Fixed Rate Applications,’’ IEEE Globecom December 2009, Honolulu,HI (pdf).
D. ONeill, Boon Sim Thian, A.J. Goldsmith, and S.P. Boyd, ‘‘Wireless NUM: Rate and Reliability Tradeoffs in Random Environments,’’ IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, 2009, Budapest Hungary (pdf)
D. ONeill, A.J. Goldsmith, and S.P. Boyd, “Optimizing adaptive modulation in wireless networks via utility maximization,” Best Paper Award International Conference on Communications (ICC), 2008, Beijing, PRC. (pdf)
D. ONeill, A.J. Goldsmith, and S.P. Boyd, “Cross-Layer Design with Adaptive Modulation: Delay, Rate, Energy Tradeoffs,” IEEE Global Communications Conference (Globecom), 2008, New Orleans, LA. (pdf)
D. ONeill, A.J. Goldsmith, and S.P. Boyd, “Wireless Network Utility Maximization,” Military Communications Conference (MILCOM), 2008, San Diego, CA. (pdf)
A. Zymnis, N. Trichakis, S. Boyd, and D. O'Neill, “An Interior–Point Method for Large Scale Network Utility Maximization,”Forty–Fourth Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, Allerton Ill., September 2007. (pdf).
D. O'Neill and S. Boyd, “Distributed Interference Management Using Center Free Algorithms and Network Utility Maximization,”Forty–Fourth Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, Allerton Ill., September 2007.
L. Mastroleon, D. O'Neill, B. Yolken, N. Bambos, “Power Aware Management of Packet Switches,” IEEE Hot Interconnect 2007, Stanford, CA., August 2007.
M. Chiang, C. Tan, D. O'Neill, and D. Julian, “Power Control By Geometric Programming,” to appear in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.
D. O'Neill and Y. Li, “MP–DSM: A Distributed cross Layer Network Control Protocol,” IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2004)
D. O'Neill and Y. Li, “Optimal Routes and flows in Multicasting over Ad Hoc Networks,” IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, Fall 2004 , Los Angeles, CA, USA.
D. O'Neill, and N. Bambos, “Power Management of Packet Switched Architectures with Speed Modes” Allerton Conference 2003
D. O'Neill, D. Julian, and S. Boyd, “Seeking Foschini's genie: optimal rates and powers in wireless networks,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, April 2003.
D. O'Neill, D. Julian, and S. Boyd, “Adaptive Management of Network Reosurces” IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, Fall 2003 , Orlando, FL, USA, October 6–9 2003
D. O'Neill, and D. Julian, “Managing Delay and Overflow in Ad–hoc Networks using Geometric Programming,” IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, Fall 2003 Orlando, FL, USA, October 6–9 2003
Daniel C. O'Neill, “Power Control for Wireless Networks Using TCP/RED,” WCNC 2003, New Orleans, LA USA., 2003.
Daniel C O'Neill, “Adaptive Congestion Control for Wireless Networks Using TCP,” IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2003), Anchorage, Alaska, USA (May 11–15), 2003
D. Julian, M. Chiang, and D. O'Neill, “Robust and QoS Constrained Optimization of Power Control in Wireless Cellular Networks,” Proceedings of IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, Atlantic City, NJ, October 2001, pp. 1932–6.
M. Chiang, D. O'Neill, D. Julian, and S. Boyd, “Resource Allocation for QoS Provisioning in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks,” Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, San Antonio, TX, November 2001, pp. 2911–5.
D. Julian, M. Chiang, D. O'Neill, and S. Boyd, “QoS and Fairness Constrained Convex Optimization of Resource Allocation for Wireless Cellular and Ad Hoc Networks,” Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM, New York, NY, June 2002