
  1. Hahn polynomials and the Burnside process
    Persi Diaconis, Chenyang Zhong
    The Ramanujan Journal (2021): 1-29

  2. Stochastic symplectic ice
    Chenyang Zhong
    To appear in Letters in Mathematical Physics

  3. Mallows permutation models with L1 and L2 distances I: hit and run algorithms and mixing times
    Chenyang Zhong

  4. Convergence rate of a collapsed Gibbs sampler for crossed random effects models
    Swarnadip Ghosh, Chenyang Zhong

  5. Survival stacking: casting survival analysis as a classification problem
    Erin Craig, Chenyang Zhong, Robert Tibshirani

  6. Large deviation bounds for the Airy point process
    Chenyang Zhong