
File: util.py
This file holds all the helper methods that
students can use for assn3

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Define a few global variables
image_x = 32 # width of image
image_y = 32 # height of image
patch_dim = 8 # height/width of a patch

# Function: Load Train Images
# ---------------------
# Loads all *training* images from the dataset
# and returns them in a python list
def loadTrainImages():
    return image_list

# Function: Load Test Images
# --------------------------
# Loads all *testing* images from the dataset
# and returns them in a python list
def loadTestImages():
    return image_list

# Function: View Patches
# ----------------------
# Pass in a list of patches (or centroids)
# in order to view them as images.
def viewPatches(patches):

class Image(object):

    # Constructor
    # -----------
    # Takes image related data, called on image
    # creation.
    def __init__(self,data,label,patches):
        self.label = label # image label
        self.patches = patches.transpose().tolist()
        self.__img_data = data

    # Function: View
    # --------------
    # Call function to view RGB image
    def view(self):

    # Function: Label
    # ---------------
    # Returns label of image
    def getLabel(self):

    # Function: Patches
    # -----------------
    # Returns list of patch vectors. Each patch
    # length patch_size
    def getPatches(self):