. In some languages such as Chinese, sentences are written without spaces between the words, and an important first step in language processing is segmenting sentences into words. Formally, we have a set of characters (in English, these would be letters). A sentence is a sequence of characters. We also have a dictionary $D$, which is the set of words (each word is also a sequence of characters). Given a sentence, the goal is to split the sentence into words from the dictionary. For example, if $D = \{i, cat, dog, see, sleep, the\}$, then given the sentence
, [
i, see, the, cat
] is a possible segmentation.
[3 points] Suppose maximizing our utility corresponds to minimizing the number of words in the output segmentation. Construct a deterministic state space model for this task. What search algorithms (out of the following - DAG search, BFS, DFS, UCS, A*, Bellman-Ford) would produce a minimum cost path for your model?
[2 point] If our goal is to maximize the number of words in the segmentation, revise the state space model from above. Which search algorithms work now?
[3 point] Instead of minimizing the number of words in the segmentation, suppose we had at our disposal a function $\text{Fluency}(w_1, w_2)$ which returns a number (either positive or negative) representing the compatibility of $w_1$ and $w_2$ being next to each other (for example, $\text{Fluency}(an, cat)$ would be low and $\text{Fluency}(a, cat)$ would be high). Suppose our utility function is the sum of the fluencies of adjacent words; formally, if the segmentation produces words $w_1, \dots, w_n$, then the utility is $\sum_{i=2}^n \text{Fluency}(w_{i-1}, w_i)$. Modify the state space model from above to find the most fluent segmentation.