Step-by-Step installation

Linux on Intel 32 bit machine

  1. Download MKL 'Non-Commercial Download' link in
  2. Unpack the file
    $ tar -xzvf l_mkl_p_8.1.1.004.tgz
  3. Move to the untarred directory and install MKL
    $ cd l_mkl_p_8.1.1.004 $ ./ (install...) $ cd ..
  4. Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable
    $ setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH "<path_to_mkl>/intel/mkl/8.1.1/lib/32:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" or $ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="<path_to_mkl>/intel/mkl/8.1.1/lib/32:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
  5. Download l1_logreg from http://
  6. Unpack the file
    $ tar -xzvf l1_logreg-0.9.1.tar.gz
  7. Move to the untarred directory and configure
    $ cd l1_logreg-0.9.1 $ ./configure --with-blas-dir="<path_to_mkl>/intel/mkl/8.1.1/lib/32"
  8. Compile and check
    $ make $ make check

Linux on Intel 64 bit machine

All the procedures are the same with 32 bit instruction except library path. Use /intel/mkl/<version>/lib/em64t instead of /intel/mkl/<version>/lib/32.

For more information, see documentations for MKL.

Linux on AMD 32 bit machine

All the procedures are almost the same with 64 bit instruction. Download 32 bit verion of library, and use appropriate path name, that is, 64 instead of 32.

Linux on AMD 64 bit machine

  1. Download GNU compiler version of ACML from For example, acml-3-5-0-gnu-64bit.tgz
  2. Make an installation directory and unpack the file
    $ mkdir acml_install $ tar -xzvf acml-3-5-0-gnu-64bit.tgz -C acml_install
  3. Move to the untarred directory and install ACML
    $ cd acml_install $ ./ (install...) $ cd ..
  4. Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable
    $ setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH "<path_to_acml>/gnu64/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" or $ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="<path_to_acml>/gnu64/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
  5. Download l1_logreg from http://
  6. Unpack the file
    $ tar -xzvf l1_logreg-0.9.1.tar.gz
  7. Move to the untarred directory and configure
    $ cd l1_logreg-0.9.1 $ ./configure --with-blas-dir="<path_to_acml>/gnu64/lib"
  8. Make
    $ make $ make check

Generated on Mon May 25 19:15:19 2009 for l1_logreg by Doxygen 1.5.5