% Digital circuit sizing using vectorize features
% (a figure is generated if the tradeoff flag is turned on)
% This is an simple, ahard-coded example taken directly from:
%   A Tutorial on Geometric Programming (see pages 25-29)
%   by Boyd, Kim, Vandenberghe, and Hassibi.
% Solves the problem of choosing gate scale factors x_i to give
% minimum ckt delay, subject to limits on the total area and power.
%   minimize   D
%       s.t.   P <= Pmax, A <= Amax
%              x >= 1
% where variables are scale factors x.
% This code uses matrices in order to evaluate signal paths
% through the circuit (thus, it uses vectorize Matlab features).
% It is specific to the digital circuit shown in figure 4 (page 28)
% of GP tutorial paper.
% Almir Mutapcic 02/01/2006
clear all; close all;
PLOT_TRADEOFF = 1; % to disable set PLOT_TRADEOFF = 0;

% digital circuit shown in figure 4 (page 28) of GP tutorial paper
m = 7;  % number of cells
n = 8;  % number of edges
A = sparse(m,n);

% A is standard cell-edge incidence matrix of the circuit
% A_ij = 1 if edge j comes out of cell i, -1 if it comes in, 0 otherwise
  A(1,1) =     1;
  A(2,2) =     1;
  A(2,3) =     1;
  A(3,4) =     1;
  A(3,8) =     1;
  A(4,1) =    -1;
  A(4,2) =    -1;
  A(4,5) =     1;
  A(4,6) =     1;
  A(5,3) =    -1;
  A(5,4) =    -1;
  A(5,7) =     1;
  A(6,5) =    -1;
  A(7,6) =    -1;
  A(7,7) =    -1;
  A(7,8) =    -1;

% decompose A into edge outgoing and edge-incoming part
Aout = double(A > 0);
Ain = double(A < 0);

% problem constants
f = [1 0.8 1 0.7 0.7 0.5 0.5]';
e = [1 2 1 1.5 1.5 1 2]';
Cout6 = 10;
Cout7 = 10;

a     = ones(m,1);
alpha = ones(m,1);
beta  = ones(m,1);
gamma = ones(m,1);

% maximum area and power specification
Amax = 25; Pmax = 50;

% optimization variables
gpvar x(m)                 % sizes
gpvar t(m)                 % arrival times

% input capacitance is an affine function of sizes
cin = alpha + beta.*x;

% load capacitance is the input capacitance times the fan-out matrix
% given by Fout = Aout*Ain'
cload = (Aout*Ain')*cin;
cload(6) = Cout6;          % load capacitance of the output gate 6
cload(7) = Cout7;          % load capacitance of othe utput gate 7

% delay is the product of its driving resistance R = gamma./x and cload
d = cload.*gamma./x;

power = (f.*e)'*x;         % total power
area = a'*x;               % total area

% constraints
constr_x = ones(m,1) <= x; % all sizes greater than 1 (normalized)

% create timing constraints
% these constraints enforce t_j + d_j <= t_i over all gates j that drive gate i
constr_timing = Aout'*t + Ain'*d <= Ain'*t;
% for gates with inputs not connected to other gates we enforce d_i <= t_i
input_timing  = d(1:3) <= t(1:3);

% objective is the upper bound on the overall delay
% and that is the max of arrival times for output gates 6 and 7
D = max(t(6),t(7));

% collect all the constraints
constr = [power <= Pmax; area <= Amax; constr_timing; input_timing; constr_x];

% formulate the GP problem and solve it
[obj_value, solution, status] = gpsolve(D, constr);

fprintf(1,'\nOptimal circuit delay for Pmax = %d and Amax = %d is %3.4f.\n', ...
        Pmax, Amax, obj_value)
disp('Optimal scale factors are: ')

% tradeoff curve code

% varying parameters for an optimal trade-off curve
N = 10;
Pmax = linspace(10,100,N);
Amax = [25 50 100];
min_delay = zeros(length(Amax),N);

% set the quiet flag (no solver reporting)
global QUIET; QUIET = 1;

for k = 1:length(Amax)
  for n = 1:N
    % add constraints that have varying parameters
    constr(1) = power <= Pmax(n);
    constr(2) = area  <= Amax(k);

    % solve the GP problem and compute the optimal volume
    [obj_value, solution, status] = gpsolve(D, constr);
    min_delay(k,n) = obj_value;

% enable solver reporting again
global QUIET; QUIET = 0;

plot(Pmax,min_delay(1,:), Pmax,min_delay(2,:), Pmax,min_delay(3,:));
xlabel('Pmax'); ylabel('Dmin');

% end tradeoff curve code
Iteration     primal obj.         gap        dual residual     previous step.
   1         3.39790e+00       5.20000e+01       1.09e+02               Inf
   2         3.63445e+00       2.02895e+01       2.35e-01       9.60037e-01
   3         2.63385e+00       1.53901e+01       7.96e-02       4.48101e-01
   4         2.24903e+00       1.32584e+01       3.41e-02       3.61253e-01
   5         1.44461e+00       1.06596e+01       8.05e-03       6.04595e-01
   6         6.87063e-01       7.40176e+00       2.03e-03       5.46362e-01
   7         4.57581e-03       3.81477e+00       9.20e-05       8.28732e-01
   8        -2.43728e-01       2.33724e+00       7.67e-06       7.14077e-01
Iteration     primal obj.         gap        dual residual     previous step.
   1         1.77659e+02       5.20000e+01       2.85e+00               Inf
   2         1.26393e+02       4.96522e+01       2.68e+00       3.07427e-02
   3         8.85848e+01       4.84104e+01       2.57e+00       2.09904e-02
   4         6.48846e+01       4.70571e+01       2.41e+00       3.09250e-02
   5         4.51103e+01       4.51176e+01       2.17e+00       5.10085e-02
   6         2.83850e+01       4.21718e+01       1.80e+00       9.06128e-02
   7         1.01548e+01       3.48507e+01       1.01e+00       2.50000e-01
   8         7.64553e+00       2.97578e+01       2.68e-01       5.00000e-01
   9         7.68072e+00       2.59574e+01       4.98e-05       1.00000e+00
  10         4.69025e+00       1.30270e+01       2.63e-03       1.00000e+00
  11         3.44476e+00       6.59426e+00       6.50e-04       1.00000e+00
  12         2.73436e+00       3.32999e+00       2.16e-04       1.00000e+00
  13         2.33509e+00       1.67571e+00       4.40e-05       1.00000e+00
  14         2.12266e+00       8.40660e-01       6.01e-06       1.00000e+00
  15         2.01844e+00       4.21059e-01       5.38e-07       1.00000e+00
  16         1.96745e+00       2.10812e-01       9.61e-08       1.00000e+00
  17         1.94206e+00       1.05550e-01       2.49e-08       1.00000e+00
  18         1.92941e+00       5.28538e-02       7.11e-09       1.00000e+00
  19         1.92311e+00       2.64687e-02       1.98e-09       1.00000e+00
  20         1.91997e+00       1.32556e-02       5.10e-10       1.00000e+00
  21         1.91841e+00       6.63804e-03       1.17e-10       1.00000e+00
  22         1.91764e+00       3.32353e-03       2.28e-11       1.00000e+00
  23         1.91725e+00       1.66352e-03       3.47e-12       1.00000e+00
  24         1.91706e+00       8.32347e-04       3.86e-13       1.00000e+00
  25         1.91696e+00       4.16341e-04       3.18e-14       1.00000e+00
  26         1.91692e+00       2.08215e-04       2.17e-15       1.00000e+00
  27         1.91689e+00       1.04118e-04       1.38e-16       1.00000e+00
  28         1.91688e+00       5.20619e-05       8.63e-18       1.00000e+00
  29         1.91687e+00       2.60317e-05       5.40e-19       1.00000e+00
  30         1.91687e+00       1.30160e-05       3.37e-20       1.00000e+00
  31         1.91687e+00       6.50804e-06       2.11e-21       1.00000e+00
  32         1.91687e+00       3.25403e-06       1.32e-22       1.00000e+00
  33         1.91687e+00       1.62702e-06       8.24e-24       1.00000e+00
  34         1.91687e+00       8.13510e-07       5.16e-25       1.00000e+00
  35         1.91687e+00       4.06755e-07       3.21e-26       1.00000e+00
  36         1.91687e+00       2.03378e-07       1.98e-27       1.00000e+00
  37         1.91687e+00       1.01689e-07       1.25e-28       1.00000e+00
  38         1.91687e+00       5.08444e-08       1.15e-29       1.00000e+00
  39         1.91687e+00       2.54222e-08       1.98e-30       1.00000e+00
  40         1.91687e+00       1.27111e-08       1.12e-30       1.00000e+00
  41         1.91687e+00       6.35555e-09       1.73e-30       1.00000e+00
Problem succesfully solved.

Optimal circuit delay for Pmax = 50 and Amax = 25 is 6.7996.
Optimal scale factors are: 

x =


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