clear all; close all;
N = 8;
CL = 20;
Dmax = 20;
x_min = 1;
x_max = 20;
primary_inputs = [N+1];
primary_outputs = [N+2];
M = N + length( primary_inputs ) + length( primary_outputs );
FI{1} = [N+1];
for k = 2:N
FI{k} = [k-1];
FI{N+2} = [N];
FO = cell(M,1);
for gate = [1:N primary_outputs]
preds = FI{gate};
for k = 1:length(preds)
FO{preds(k)}(end+1) = gate;
Cin_norm = ones(N,1);
Cint_norm = ones(N,1);
Rdrv_norm = ones(N,1);
Cin_norm(5) = 80;
Cin_po = sparse(M,1);
Cin_po(primary_outputs) = CL;
Cload_pi = sparse(M,1);
Cload_pi(primary_inputs) = 1;
gpvar x(N)
gpvar T(N)
Cin = Cin_norm.*x;
Cint = Cint_norm.*x;
R = Rdrv_norm./x;
Cload = posynomial;
for gate = 1:N
if ~ismember( FO{gate}, primary_outputs )
Cload(gate) = sum( Cin(FO{gate}) );
Cload(gate) = Cin_po( FO{gate} );
Cload = Cload';
D = 0.69*ones(N,1).*R.*( Cint + Cload );
timing_constr = [];
for gate = 1:N
if ~ismember( FI{gate}, primary_inputs )
for j = FI{gate}
timing_constr = [timing_constr; D(gate) + T(j) <= T(gate)];
timing_constr = [timing_constr; D(gate) <= T(gate)];
output_gates = [FI{primary_outputs}];
circuit_delay = max( T(output_gates) );
constr = [timing_constr; circuit_delay <= Dmax;
x_min*ones(N,1) <= x; x <= x_max*ones(N,1)];
[obj_value, solution, status] = gpsolve(sum(x), constr);
disp(' ')
disp(['Note: there is an extra capacitance between the 4th and 5th inverter'...
' in the chain.'])
fprintf(1,'\nOptimal scale factors are: \n'), x
close all;
subplot(2,1,1); plot([1:N],T,'g--',[1:N],T,'bo');
ylabel('maximum delay T')
subplot(2,1,2); stem([1:N],x);
ylabel('scale factor x')
xlabel('inverter stage')
Iteration primal obj. gap dual residual previous step.
1 5.04112e+00 5.70000e+01 2.49e+01 Inf
2 6.26479e+00 2.34391e+01 8.19e-03 9.84878e-01
3 5.65757e+00 2.04433e+01 4.32e-03 2.50000e-01
4 4.94291e+00 1.60594e+01 1.27e-03 5.00000e-01
5 4.35304e+00 1.17226e+01 6.21e-05 1.00000e+00
6 1.71517e+00 5.85718e+00 1.77e-05 1.00000e+00
7 6.20797e-01 2.93202e+00 1.24e-05 1.00000e+00
8 2.47617e-01 1.47119e+00 7.91e-06 1.00000e+00
9 1.17274e-01 7.39247e-01 4.29e-06 1.00000e+00
10 4.42752e-02 3.71424e-01 8.69e-07 1.00000e+00
11 4.54642e-03 1.86580e-01 2.45e-07 1.00000e+00
12 -1.66740e-02 9.36691e-02 3.98e-08 1.00000e+00
Iteration primal obj. gap dual residual previous step.
1 4.27906e+00 5.70000e+01 9.13e+01 Inf
2 4.22971e+00 2.78393e+01 4.00e-02 1.00000e+00
3 4.17149e+00 1.39168e+01 6.21e-03 1.00000e+00
4 4.09986e+00 6.96255e+00 4.07e-03 1.00000e+00
5 3.97608e+00 3.49228e+00 2.39e-03 1.00000e+00
6 3.79703e+00 1.76392e+00 7.27e-04 1.00000e+00
7 3.63606e+00 8.90384e-01 1.06e-04 1.00000e+00
8 3.55343e+00 4.48155e-01 8.05e-06 1.00000e+00
9 3.51320e+00 2.24976e-01 5.64e-07 1.00000e+00
10 3.49332e+00 1.12746e-01 4.26e-08 1.00000e+00
11 3.48341e+00 5.64429e-02 3.02e-09 1.00000e+00
12 3.47846e+00 2.82395e-02 1.98e-10 1.00000e+00
13 3.47598e+00 1.41243e-02 1.25e-11 1.00000e+00
14 3.47474e+00 7.06333e-03 7.80e-13 1.00000e+00
15 3.47412e+00 3.53195e-03 4.87e-14 1.00000e+00
16 3.47381e+00 1.76605e-03 3.04e-15 1.00000e+00
17 3.47366e+00 8.83042e-04 1.90e-16 1.00000e+00
18 3.47358e+00 4.41526e-04 1.19e-17 1.00000e+00
19 3.47354e+00 2.20764e-04 7.43e-19 1.00000e+00
20 3.47352e+00 1.10382e-04 4.64e-20 1.00000e+00
21 3.47351e+00 5.51912e-05 2.90e-21 1.00000e+00
22 3.47351e+00 2.75956e-05 1.81e-22 1.00000e+00
23 3.47351e+00 1.37978e-05 1.13e-23 1.00000e+00
24 3.47351e+00 6.89891e-06 7.08e-25 1.00000e+00
25 3.47351e+00 3.44945e-06 4.44e-26 1.00000e+00
26 3.47351e+00 1.72473e-06 2.74e-27 1.00000e+00
27 3.47351e+00 8.62363e-07 1.94e-28 1.00000e+00
28 3.47351e+00 4.31182e-07 1.22e-29 1.00000e+00
29 3.47351e+00 2.15591e-07 6.34e-30 1.00000e+00
30 3.47351e+00 1.07795e-07 6.24e-30 1.00000e+00
31 3.47351e+00 5.38977e-08 4.47e-30 1.00000e+00
32 3.47351e+00 2.69489e-08 7.64e-30 1.00000e+00
33 3.47351e+00 1.34744e-08 4.56e-30 1.00000e+00
34 3.47351e+00 6.73721e-09 7.28e-30 1.00000e+00
Problem succesfully solved.
Note: there is an extra capacitance between the 4th and 5th inverter in the chain.
Optimal scale factors are:
x =