clear all; close all;
m = 7;
Vdd = 5;
Amax = 250;
Pmax = 15;
INV = struct('Cin',3, 'Cint',3, 'Rdrv',0.48, 'A',3, 'Ileak',0.006);
NAND3 = struct('Cin',4, 'Cint',6, 'Rdrv',0.48, 'A',8, 'Ileak',0.007);
NOR2 = struct('Cin',5, 'Cint',6, 'Rdrv',0.48, 'A',10, 'Ileak',0.009);
gates([1 3 6]) = INV;
gates([2 7]) = NAND3;
gates([4 5]) = NOR2;
primary_inputs = [8 9 10];
primary_outputs = [11 12];
M = m + length( primary_inputs ) + length( primary_outputs );
FI = cell(M,1);
FI{1} = [8];
FI{2} = [8 9 10];
FI{3} = [10];
FI{4} = [1 2];
FI{5} = [2 3];
FI{6} = [4];
FI{7} = [3 4 5];
FI{8} = [];
FI{9} = [];
FI{10} = [];
FI{11} = [6];
FI{12} = [7];
Cin_po = sparse(M,1);
Cin_po(primary_outputs) = [10 10];
Cload_pi = sparse(M,1);
Cload_pi(primary_inputs) = [10 10 10];
f_gates = 0.001*ones(m,1);
f_pi = sparse(M,1);
f_pi(primary_inputs) = 0.001*[10 10 10];
FO = cell(M,1);
for gate = [1:m primary_outputs]
preds = FI{gate};
for k = 1:length(preds)
FO{preds(k)}(end+1) = gate;
Cin_norm = [gates.Cin]';
Cint_norm = [gates.Cint]';
Rdrv_norm = [gates.Rdrv]';
A_norm = [gates.A]';
Ileak_norm = [gates.Ileak]';
gpvar x(m)
gpvar T(m)
Cin = Cin_norm.*x;
Cint = Cint_norm.*x;
R = Rdrv_norm./x;
Cload = posynomial;
for gate = 1:m
if ~ismember( FO{gate}, primary_outputs )
Cload(gate) = sum( Cin(FO{gate}) );
Cload(gate) = Cin_po( FO{gate} );
Cload = Cload';
D = 0.69*ones(m,1).*R.*( Cint + Cload );
area = A_norm'*x;
Pdyn = Vdd^2*sum( f_pi(primary_inputs).*Cload_pi(primary_inputs) ) + ...
Vdd^2*(f_gates'*(Cint + Cload));
Pstat = Vdd*Ileak_norm'*x;
power = Pdyn + Pstat;
x_constr = ones(m,1) <= x;
timing_constr = [];
for gate = 1:m
if ~ismember( FI{gate}, primary_inputs )
for j = FI{gate}
timing_constr = [timing_constr; D(gate) + T(j) <= T(gate)];
timing_constr = [timing_constr; D(gate) <= T(gate)];
output_gates = [FI{primary_outputs}];
D = max( T(output_gates) );
constr = [area <= Amax; power <= Pmax; timing_constr; x_constr];
[obj_value, solution, status] = gpsolve(D, constr);
ckt_delay_plot = obj_value;
Pmax_plot = Pmax;
fprintf(1,'\nOptimal circuit delay for Pmax = %d and Amax = %d is %3.4f.\n', ...
Pmax, Amax, obj_value)
disp('Optimal scale factors are: ')
N = 25;
Pmax = linspace(10,20,N);
Amax = [250];
min_delay = zeros(N,1);
global QUIET; QUIET = 1;
for n = 1:N
constr(1) = area <= Amax(k);
constr(2) = power <= Pmax(n);
[obj_value, solution, status] = gpsolve(D, constr);
if strcmp(status,'Infeasible')
error('Problem is infeasible.')
min_delay(n) = obj_value;
global QUIET; QUIET = 0;
plot(Pmax,min_delay); hold on
plot(Pmax_plot, ckt_delay_plot,'o'); hold off;
xlabel('Pmax'); ylabel('Dmin');
title(['Tradeoff curve for Amax = ' num2str(Amax)])
Iteration primal obj. gap dual residual previous step.
1 2.84042e+00 5.20000e+01 1.57e+02 Inf
2 3.21190e+00 1.91274e+01 1.44e-01 9.74409e-01
3 2.27880e+00 1.54051e+01 6.24e-02 3.59104e-01
4 1.83068e+00 1.31067e+01 2.78e-02 3.50245e-01
5 1.29195e+00 1.06673e+01 7.14e-03 5.24329e-01
6 6.37228e-01 7.12541e+00 1.50e-03 5.89986e-01
7 1.23548e-01 3.88893e+00 1.35e-04 7.90583e-01
8 -4.09412e-02 2.24768e+00 5.14e-05 7.75006e-01
Iteration primal obj. gap dual residual previous step.
1 1.79400e+02 5.20000e+01 1.09e+00 Inf
2 1.29843e+02 4.96696e+01 1.03e+00 3.11976e-02
3 9.38594e+01 4.85624e+01 9.87e-01 1.92534e-02
4 6.93603e+01 4.73003e+01 9.32e-01 2.81792e-02
5 4.87168e+01 4.54961e+01 8.48e-01 4.60102e-02
6 3.10620e+01 4.27335e+01 7.15e-01 8.16028e-02
7 9.33535e+00 3.45646e+01 4.04e-01 2.50000e-01
8 8.24512e+00 3.00784e+01 1.06e-01 5.00000e-01
9 8.01827e+00 2.59395e+01 2.76e-04 1.00000e+00
10 5.07529e+00 1.30083e+01 1.25e-03 1.00000e+00
11 3.70536e+00 6.56633e+00 5.49e-04 1.00000e+00
12 2.98293e+00 3.31699e+00 2.30e-04 1.00000e+00
13 2.61767e+00 1.67489e+00 7.76e-05 1.00000e+00
14 2.43623e+00 8.44638e-01 2.84e-05 1.00000e+00
15 2.34512e+00 4.26151e-01 1.46e-05 1.00000e+00
16 2.29727e+00 2.15165e-01 5.99e-06 1.00000e+00
17 2.27196e+00 1.08575e-01 1.56e-06 1.00000e+00
18 2.25875e+00 5.46688e-02 2.49e-07 1.00000e+00
19 2.25203e+00 2.74571e-02 2.51e-08 1.00000e+00
20 2.24864e+00 1.37643e-02 1.82e-09 1.00000e+00
21 2.24693e+00 6.89201e-03 1.18e-10 1.00000e+00
22 2.24607e+00 3.44859e-03 7.44e-12 1.00000e+00
23 2.24564e+00 1.72496e-03 4.67e-13 1.00000e+00
24 2.24542e+00 8.62646e-04 2.92e-14 1.00000e+00
25 2.24532e+00 4.31365e-04 1.82e-15 1.00000e+00
26 2.24526e+00 2.15693e-04 1.14e-16 1.00000e+00
27 2.24524e+00 1.07849e-04 7.12e-18 1.00000e+00
28 2.24522e+00 5.39252e-05 4.45e-19 1.00000e+00
29 2.24522e+00 2.69628e-05 2.78e-20 1.00000e+00
30 2.24521e+00 1.34814e-05 1.74e-21 1.00000e+00
31 2.24521e+00 6.74072e-06 1.09e-22 1.00000e+00
32 2.24521e+00 3.37036e-06 6.79e-24 1.00000e+00
33 2.24521e+00 1.68518e-06 4.25e-25 1.00000e+00
34 2.24521e+00 8.42592e-07 2.65e-26 1.00000e+00
35 2.24521e+00 4.21296e-07 1.66e-27 1.00000e+00
36 2.24521e+00 2.10648e-07 1.10e-28 1.00000e+00
37 2.24521e+00 1.05324e-07 1.06e-29 1.00000e+00
38 2.24521e+00 5.26620e-08 2.07e-30 1.00000e+00
39 2.24521e+00 2.63310e-08 2.94e-30 1.00000e+00
40 2.24521e+00 1.31655e-08 7.37e-30 1.00000e+00
41 2.24521e+00 6.58275e-09 1.33e-30 1.00000e+00
Problem succesfully solved.
Optimal circuit delay for Pmax = 15 and Amax = 250 is 9.4424.
Optimal scale factors are:
x =
Problem succesfully solved.
Problem succesfully solved.
Problem succesfully solved.
Problem succesfully solved.
Problem succesfully solved.
Problem succesfully solved.
Problem succesfully solved.
Problem succesfully solved.
Problem succesfully solved.
Problem succesfully solved.
Problem succesfully solved.
Problem succesfully solved.
Problem succesfully solved.
Problem succesfully solved.
Problem succesfully solved.
Problem succesfully solved.
Problem succesfully solved.
Problem succesfully solved.
Problem succesfully solved.
Problem succesfully solved.
Problem succesfully solved.
Problem succesfully solved.
Problem succesfully solved.
Problem succesfully solved.
Problem succesfully solved.