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The DesignX research group has weekly meetings during the school year on Wednesday evenings from 17:00 to 18:00 Pacific time in the Center for Design Research on Stanford University campus at 424 Panama Mall, Building 560.  Visitors are welcome to attend.

The goals of the DesignX weekly meeting are:

  • To foster a culture of more critical engagement;
  • To create a safe place for critical discussion;
  • To provide as much feedback on research as possible;
  • To give everyone an opportunity to discuss their methodology; and
  • To ring a positive sense of community.

Every presentation will have an assigned facilitator from the Leifer Lab. The facilitator's role is:

  • To ensure that areas pertinent to research are covered in the presentation. These include, primarily, the methods, the research question, the need, the data, and how it fits into the CDR;
  • To moderate the discussion so that it is critical, engaging, and on-topic; and
  • (Optional) To work with the presenter in the time leading up to DesignX, to ensure that the presentation does not have any clear gaps.

Outside speakers (speakers that are not from the Leifer Lab) are limited to 33% of the slots in any given quarter.

The current DesignX meeting organizers Karl Gumerlock and Noah Kim.

Quarterly Schedules

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