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Academic Year 2012-2013

Larry is back at Stanford FULL TIME.  As part of re-booting designX he will be holding open office hours on Wednesday, 14:00-17:00 at his office (bldg.550.rm.125).  From next week and going forward those hours will be on Thursdays, 13:00-15:00, same location.  Other times are available by email arrangement. 

That sabbatical year was supposed to be the year-of-the-book.  It turned out to be the year-of-the-workshop (20ish).  This year feels like it will be the year-of-the-REBOOT.  I hope you are part of it.

August 2012 ... Larry will be at Stanford for the Hasso Plattner Design Thinking Research Program "awards committee meeting" on Tuesday, August 21st.  The rest of the week is for designX-lab.  Please sign-up for "what-ever" and especially for design research updates.  All meetings will be at CDR offices or open spaces (not bldg.550.rm.125, though available as needed).

09:00-12:00 = HPDTRP Program Committee grants review (550.126)
12:15-14:00 = HPDTRP PC lunch with Hasso Plattner, Calif.Cafe
14:15-18:00 = Martin Steinert, CDR review (550.125)
18:15-22:00 = Kalani Leifer (deferred birthday)
13:15-14:00 = Stewart Macgregor-Dennis (UG senior)
14:15-15:00 = Joel Sandler, (CDR) ... to be re-confirmed
15:15-16:00 = Burton Lee (ME421)
16:15-17:00 = Greg Kress (CDR)
17:15-18:00 = George Toye (me310, CDR)
18:15-22:00 = Tjarko Leifer (deferred birthday)
10:00-11:00 = Marco Lang (Bosch, skype-text appointment)
11:15-12:00 = Carissa Little (SCPS, to be confirmed)
12:15-13:00 = Michael Sturtz (re-designing theater), at 550.157
13:15-14:00 = Anne Kallio (Lappeenranta Univ.Tech.FI)
14:15-15:00 = me310'13 TTeam ... to be confirmed
15:15-16:00 = me310'13 TTeam ... to be confirmed
16:15-17:00 = Barbara Karanian (Consultant, d-school engagements)
17:15-18:00 = John Tang (Microsoft Interaction Design)
18:15-19:00 = John Tang as needed
09:00-10:30 = Chiara to SFO
12:00-13:00 = Niels Feldman (IBM), Marc Kohler (KIT, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
13:15-14:00 = Niels Feldman, Marc Kohler
14:15-15:00 = Niels Feldman, Marc Kohler
15:15-16:00 = Noah Kim (CDR)
16:15-17:00 = Adam Sheppard (CDR)
17:15-18:00 = David Sirkin (CDR)

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