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Revision as of 09:46, 11 June 2012 by Steinert (Talk | contribs)
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June 2012 ... Larry at Stanford for EXPE, SUGAR, and COMMENCEMENT
I would like to meet with as many advisees and CDR visitors as possible during the week of June 11-15. The following time slots are available at this time. Please choose as you like AND ping me with an email message to be sure I am aware of your signup. Assume meetings are at my office, bldg.550.rm.125. Meeting at you office, lab, park bench will always be welcome.

12:15-13:00 = Philipp Skribanowitz (St. Gallen)
13:15-14:00 = Gabriel Aldaz (Stanford-CDR)

14:15-15:00 = Gareth Bennet (Trinity College Dublin)
15:15-16:00 = Becky Currano (Stanford CDR)
16:15-17:30 = Manjula Waldron (SoM, Randall Stafford (SoM), Michael Helms (CDR)

17:30-18:15 = Evan Earnest (ex310ca, now JOYO CEO)

Tue.12.June =
12:15-13:00 = Cabirio Cautela (Politecnico di Milano)
13:15-14:00 = Jeamin Koo (Stanford CDR)
14:15-15:00 = Adam Sheppard (Stanford-CDR)
15:15-16:00 =
16:00-18:00 = CARS concept showcase at VAIL

12:15-13:00 = Joel Sadler (Stanford-CDR)
13:15-14:00 = Neeraj Sonalkar (Stanford-CDR)
14:15-15:00 = Jay Borenstein (CS-210, Gates 191, Mark C and George T invited)
15:15-16:00 = Martin Steinert (CDR)
16:15-17:00 = Lauren A. Shluzas (VA-CDR)
17:00-18:30 = designX introspection

12:15-13:00 =
13:15-14:00 =
14:15-15:00 = 
15:15-16:00 = 
16:15-17:30 = George Toye (Stanford-CDR)

12:15-13:00 = Kathryn Jablokow (Pennsylvania State University)
13:15-14:00 = Maria Yang (MIT-ESD)
14:15-15:00 = Martin Steinert (CDR)
15:15-16:00 = Martin Steinert (CDR)
16:15-17:00 =

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