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Revision as of 16:48, 7 September 2011 by Maisch (Talk | contribs)
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Dear DesignX'er

As we discussed on the last DesignX, we are a community of scholars and our interaction, esp. DesignX but also CDR is what we make of it. Let us try to initiate a culture of being involved and taking on responsibility. In this sense I have taken the liberty to set up a table indicating every active and in-residence members of DesignX (defined by being in the DesignX-Lab list, please ask if you want to be added/removed/changed to DesignX-Broadcast) AND his or her current commitment to DesignX and CDR. Find the current state of the arts in the table below ...

MOST IMPORTANT AND URGENT, WE NEED folks to sponsor DesignX events next quarter ... don't forget to reserve a pre defense slot to practice!

PS We have $50-75 for drinks and food available, please contact Anneliese.

... there are may projects where DesignX/CDR could need a hand, interior design, IKEA runs, Wiki, audio/video, and much more, please have a chat with me, I assure you we'll find something fitting every character and calendar.

Please change/correct/add/delete stuff - it's a wiki guys ... Thanks for your support!!!


DesignX Wed Meetings Winter Quarter 2012

Please, sign up and describe Who, What, maybe Where etc.

Date:  28th of September

N. N.

Date: 4th of October

N. N.

Date: 11th of October

N. N.

Date: 18th of October

N. N.

Date: 25th of October

N. N.

Date: 2nd of November
Name: Pia Erkinheimo, Head of Crowdsourcing, Nokia
Title of the talk: "Crowdsourcing, Design and Nokia"

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