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Dear DesignX'er

As we discussed on the last DesignX, we are a community of scholars and our interaction, esp. DesignX but also CDR is what we make of it. Let us try to initiate a culture of being involved and taking on responsibility. In this sense I have taken the liberty to set up a table indicating every active and in-residence members of DesignX (defined by being in the DesignX-Lab list, please ask if you want to be added/removed/changed to DesignX-Broadcast) AND his or her current commitment to DesignX and CDR. Find the current state of the arts in the table below ...

Please change/correct/add/delete stuff - it's a wiki guys ... Thanks for your support!!!


PS We have $50-75 for drinks and food available, please contact Anneliese.

DesignX Wed Meetings Summer Quarter 2011

Please, sign up and describe Who, What, maybe Where etc.

June 15, 17:00 pm

Katam Al-Falou from the School of Fashion & Textiles at the Royal College of Art, London.

Some information about Katam:
"During my undergraduate studies as a Textiles and Clothing Engineer, in the Product Development and Design pathway at the University of Applied Sciences Niederrhein, I worked for two companies in the field of ballistic clothing and firefighter‘s garments, in Germany and Austria, respectively. In my final thesis, for which I was awarded a distinction, I studied the psychological and sociological signs of clothing and how they can be implemented in individually designed fashion. The purpose was to use the potential in non-verbal communication in clothes to set up illusions and identities in fashion design.
My studies and former work experience have led to my current research project, where I intend to explore the boundaries of clothing technology and design on ballistic textiles and body armour."
More Information about her "Design & Defense" research

June 22, 17:00 pm

Welcome SURI's

July 13, 17:00 pm

Professor Josiah Kahane, Faculty of Design (currently on sabbatical in California) at the HIT - Holon Institute of Technology

Josiah is talking about "Semantic Typology of Contemporary Product Families"

Josiah is interested in visual information, especially in 3D representation of complex information. The cognitive sciences confirm that humans have innate capabilities to rapidly process visual information dealing with spatial location, face and object recognition and form details. A few linguists even claim that semantic meaning of language is often based on envisioning the physical world. So what is a visual language? What does it have in common with verbal language? Being an industrial designer, he focus his investigation on the meaning of man-made objects –"product semantics"

His presentation topic is "Semantic Typology of Contemporary Product Families" – he tries to chart the evolution of several recent lines (families) of man-made objects and try to rationalize the visual changes that occur in them in time, in evolutionary and linguistic terms.

Josiah Kahane is a professor of industrial design at the Holon Institute of Technology (HIT) in Israel. Josiah holds BA and MA degrees in industrial design from UCLA (1972). He has accumulated 35 years of experience as an academic educator in design and in academic management. In the last eleven years he has been the academic vice president at HIT. For several decades he also had a private design consulting office, working with Israeli hi-tech and medical industries. Presently he is on a two-year sabbatical leave at SFSU. His topics of interest are academic program development, the future of design education and design methodology.

Designx Karaoke after-party

September 7, 16:00 pm
Ellis Garai: "Fabrication and Characterization of a Raman Based Endoscopic Imaging Device for Cancer Detection."

Ellis recently completed his M.S. in Mechanical Engineering (Biodesign & Mechatronics) and was more recently a Biodesign Innovation Fellow at Stanford. Ellis has worked for Boston Scientific as part of the part of the R&D and Emerging Indications team. Currently he is a PhD candidate in Mechanical Engineer.

September 21, 16:00 pm
Professor Allison Okamura: "Design of Robot-Assisted Medical Interventions".

Allison's research focuses on developing the principles and tools needed to realize advanced robotic and human-machine systems capable of haptic (touch) interaction, particularly for biomedical applications. Haptic systems are designed and studied using both analytical and experimental approaches. Topics of particular interest are: (1) Teleoperation: Devices, models, and control systems that allow human operators to manipulate environments that are remote in scale and/or distance. (2) Virtual Environments: Models, control systems, and devices that enable compelling touch-based interaction with computers. (3) Robotic manipulation: Robots that physically manipulate their environment or their own shape, incorporating novel designs, sensors, and control systems. Application areas include surgery, simulation and training, rehabilitation, prosthetics, neuromechanics, exploration of hazardous and remote environments, design, and education.

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