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Dear DesignX'er

we are a community of scholars and our interaction, esp. DesignX but also CDR is what we make of it.

Let us try to initiate a culture of being involved and taking on responsibility. In this sense I have taken the liberty to set up a table indicating every active and in-residence members of DesignX (defined by being in the DesignX-Lab list, please ask if you want to be added/removed/changed to DesignX-Broadcast) AND his or her current commitment to DesignX and CDR. Find the current state of the arts in the table below ...

MOST IMPORTANT AND URGENT, WE NEED folks to sponsor DesignX events next quarter ... don't forget to reserve a pre defense slot to practice!

PS We have $50-75 for drinks and food available, please contact Anneliese.

... there are may projects where DesignX/CDR could need a hand, interior design, IKEA runs, Wiki, audio/video, and much more, please have a chat with me, I assure you we'll find something fitting every character and calendar.

Please change/correct/add/delete stuff - it's a wiki guys ... Thanks for your support!!!


DesignX Wed Meetings Winter Quarter 2011

Please, sign up and describe Who, What, maybe Where etc. (Hai Nguyen)

Date: September 28, 5 p.m. Two Talks from Tim McAloone and Juho Salminen

Tim McAloone, Associate Professor, Engineering Design & Product Development at Technical University of Denmark: 

“Sustainable Product/Service Innovation: From Buzzword to Business”

About the talk

Sustainability! Service economy! Innovative everything! None of these statements will be new to you – in fact they’re so frequently used in describing the visions and missions of companies, organisations, universities, that they’re almost threadbare. But what do they mean for design? And how should we understand them in design research? This talk will describe sustainable product/service innovation as a business perspective, design object and a research field. Current activities and future paths for this field will be outlined.

About the speaker

Tim McAloone is currently on sabbatical from DTU as visiting scholar at CDR. He has worked in the area of design research for the past eighteen years, the latest thirteen of which at DTU. Tim researchers, teaches and consults in the areas of sustainable design and product/service-system design, and is leader of a number of research projects within these areas. He was recently chair for the 18th International Conference on Engineering Design, ICED11, held in Copenhagen this August, and is currently recharging through inspiring exchanges with professionals in the Bay Area. Tim will be visiting CDR until mid January 2012.

"Collective Intelligence and Innovation Processes"

About the talk

Salminen has been a visiting researcher at CDR for two months. He is interested in collective intelligence and innovation processes. Collective intelligence refers to ability of human groups to solve problems more effectively than individuals. Due to rise of crowdsourcing and social media the term has gained wide interest recently. Salminen will give a short presentation on results of a literature review about the current state of collective intelligence research and discuss possible implications for innovation processes.

About the speaker

Juho Salminen
Researcher and PhD student,
Lappeenranta University of Technology
Lahti School of Innovation

'Date: October 5', 5 p.m.

N. N.

Date: October 12, 5 p.m.

Søren Petersen, CEO ingomar&ingomar consulting:

"Crowd-sourcing Design Research using Social and Online News Media"

About the talk

The likelihood that your design research ideas and the framing of these is the best you can do is clearly zero. To reduce the risk of being blindsided from the get-go and experiencing disastrous surprises at the end, ask the crowd. Here, proactive use of social media and online news media is an excellent tool. In this discussion we will examine how the use of LinkedIn, Facebook and The Huffington Post can be leveraged to improve your understanding of a domain by harvesting other professionals and “normal human beings” ideas and knowledge.

About the presenter

Søren Petersen worked for fourteen years as a designer, engineer and ergonomist in design consulting. Over the years, he has worked closely with Rambøll Group, Steelcase and BMW Group DesignworksUSA, eventually starting his own design management consulting firm, ingomar&ingomar. In this capacity, he now assists corporations in evaluating their product concept potentials with regards to trendsetting abilities and investors expectations.

Søren Petersen received an MS. Mechanical Engineering degree from the Technical University of Denmark and a BS in Transportation Design from Art Center College of Design, Pasadena. He has recently graduated from Stanford University, Center for Design Research, with a PhD in quantifying design. His focus is on developing metrics and decision methods for design-business interaction, portfolio management, design briefing and concept selection.

Date: October 19, 5 p.m.

Will Snow and Scott Van Duyne Founder of Visible Legacy

Date: October 26, 5 p.m.

Date: November 2, 5 p.m

Pia Erkinheimo, Head of Crowdsourcing, Crowdsourcing&Innovation, CTO Office, Nokia: 

"Crowdsourcing, Design and Nokia"

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