1)Entry-User connects to SU network with an unkown Mac Address
DHCP:server checks ipaddress and
1a) Redirect to Residential Computing (128.12.*residential)
(1b) Present Welcome Page -- Got SuNetId?
2 Yes SUNetID
4 User sent to Weblogin for authentication
4a succsessfull authentication...click to cont..
5 Business Logic for web for picking a hostreg template
5a Get Headers REMOTE_ADDR REMOTE_USER Apache - mod_lap provides these headers displayName ou suPrimaryOrganizationID suAffilation suSunetID suGwAffilation
5b if (!ip_in_network(,$remote_ip) ) { die "Your IP $remote_ip is not on shadow net"} get all hostreg templates names associated with users PrimaryOganizationID get all hostreg templates names who's $REMOTE_ADDR is in the Address Space
5c Present User with --- Pick "Department"--List is built from above data (pick-dept.jsp)
5d Base on departmental choice -- read hostreg template and build request.jsp web page
6 request.jsp
Present registration form to user. . more than one form?
7 Process request
a)Get Headers (again) REMOTE_ADDR REMOTE_USER HTTP_USER_AGENT Apache - mod_lap provides these headers displayName mail
b)get OS from browser (HTTP_USER_AGENT)
c)get MAC address from REMOTE_ADDR
Login intp DHCP and find REMOTE_ADDR
No Remote ADDR --- error
return Mac Address
d)Determine if wired/wireless
!ip_in_range( ) -- node is wired
e)Unix -Register Node
i)register wired interface with static IP, DCHP, no roaming. ii) register wireless interface with static IP, DCHP, roaming.
f)Mac/Windows -Reserve Node
i)reserve wired interface with static IP, no DCHP, no roaming. ii) reserve wireless interface with no static IP, no DCHP, no roaming.
8 Unix Machines ... thanks for registering
display reciept.jsp
mail user
mail admin
9 )Mac/Windows click download for scrubber
3 NO sunetid
3a Wireless users sent to to Wireless Guest/Perfigo
3b Wired users -- out of luck no guest access
10 HCT (Health check tool) connects request policy-- sends ipaddress and MAC address
11) Look up the mac address in NetDB -- to get node template then package the security policy post back to HCT
12)HCT Post completion include ip-address, all mac address
13)Activate Node
a Wired
i)single interface static ip, dhcp, no roaming
ii) multiple interface 1 static ip, dhcp, roaming, all others dhcp, roaming all others static ip, dhcp, roaming
b Wireless
i)single interface no static ip, dhcp, roaming
ii) multiple interface wireless interface no static ip, dhcp, roaming all others static ip, dhcp, roaming
14) Post back to HCT upon compeletion
Last modified Tuesday, 21-Feb-2006 12:36:45 PM