1. Introduction



  1. Principles of Biology
  2. Structure is Central
  3. Protein Images
  4. Fundamental Interactions
  5. Complex Interactions
  6. Useful Tools

1. Introduction

1.1. Principles of Biology

1.2. Structure is Central

  1. SB228 Lecture 1 Lecture1
  2. Principles of Biology. Concept 1.1
  3. Principles of Biology
  4. The Cycle of Life
  5. Structural Overview of Biology
  6. Informatics Overview of Biology
  7. Spontaneous Self-Organization
  8. Energy Landscapes
  9. What Drives Folding
  1. Structure is Central. Concept 1.2
  2. Structure is Central
  3. Cellular Cities
  4. Membrane Dynamics
  5. Enzymes Catalyze Reactions
  6. The Core Machinery of Life
  7. Drug Binding to Receptor
  8. Fibrous Proteins in Disease

1.3. Protein Images

1.4. Fundamental Interactions

  1. Protein Images. Concept 1.3
  2. What Does a Protein Look Like
  3. Protein in Water
  4. See the Protein Alone
  5. See the Bonded Atoms
  6. Try to See the Main Chain 1
  7. Try to See the Main Chain 2
  8. Try to See the Main Chain 3
  9. Try to See the Chain Path
  10. For Function Show Surface
  1. Fundamental Interactions. Concept 1.4
  2. Fundamental Interactions
  3. What is An Atom
  4. What is a Molecule
  5. Forces Between Atoms
  6. Total Potential Energy
  7. Bond Stretching
  8. Bond Angle Bending
  9. Bond Twisting
  10. Van Der Waals Interaction
  11. Electrostatics Interaction
  12. Hydrogen Bonds 1
  13. Hydrogen Bonds 2
  14. Water Energy and Dipole
  15. Units in Force Fields

1.5. Complex Interactions

1.6. Useful Tools

  1. Complex Interactions. Concept 1.5
  2. Complex Interactions
  3. Moving Over Energy Surface
  4. Simulating Crystals
  5. Simulating Liquids
  6. Liquids Argon and Water
  7. Solutions Urea
  8. Solutions Methane
  9. Hydrophobic Effect
  10. Explaining Hydrophobicity
  11. Explaining the Dielectric Effect
  12. Energy and Springs 1
  13. Energy and Springs 2
  14. Strength of Interactions
  1. Useful Tools. Concept 1.6
  2. Useful Tools
  3. Web Searching Google
  4. Web Searching Pubmed
  5. Molecular Graphics 1
  6. Basic Molecular Graphics
  7. Molecular Graphics Rasmol
  8. Molecular Graphics Pymol
  9. Movie of Pymol Demonstration
  10. Molecular Graphics Others
  11. Capturing Pictures