The final exam will be a 24 hour take-home exam. We will have three options:

  • Option 1: Emailed Thursday, August 13, 10am, and turn in on Gradescope Friday, August 14, 10am.

  • Option 2: Emailed Friday, August 14, 10am, and turn in on Gradescope Saturday, August 15, 10am.

  • Option 3: Emailed Saturday, August 15, 10am, and turn in on Gradescope Sunday, August 16, 10am.

We will only be using remote release and turning in of the exams. If you print a copy of the exam, please be careful not to misplace it, as that could lead to violations of the Honor Code. Also, please be sure to leave time for turning in your exam online — we will not accept exams submitted after the deadline.

We can schedule your exam for another (earlier) day if you have a good reason why you can't take the exam on either of these days. We will not allow a later date for the final exam.

Some previous final exams, for practice.