CS224U, Stanford, Spring 2014
This homework has three parts. There are a lot of words here, but don't be intimidated — there is not actually that much work to do.
In this part, we're going to experiment with a bootstrapping approach to relation extraction, as depicted in Figure 22.16 of Jurafsky & Martin.
Let's suppose we have a brilliant idea for a startup which will be to literature what IMDb is to movies. (OMG, genius, we're gonna be rich!) One table in our database will relate authors to the novels they have written:
author | novel |
Ayn Rand | Atlas Shrugged |
Joseph Heller | Catch-22 |
Vladimir Nabokov | Lolita |
James Joyce | Ulysses |
(etc.) | (etc.) |
In order to populate this table, we're going to try to extract (author, novel) tuples from natural language text on the web, using phrasal patterns containing wildcards, as described in section 22.2.2 of Jurafsky & Martin.
Google makes it easy to search for phrasal patterns on the web using a feature called "fill-in-the-blank" search, in which you use the * character to represent one or more wildcard tokens. As a warm-up, try these queries on Google:
"* is a novel by *"
"* wrote the novel *"
"the novel * was written by *"
(Make sure you include the quotation marks in your query.) Spend some time looking through the results. Note how a portion of each returned snippet appears in bold. Google is trying to guess at the appropriate boundaries for the matching phrase, and it doesn't always get it right. Note also that Google sometimes allows minor variations in the match. For example, the query "* is a novel by *" yields as a match "David's Buick is a new novel by Bob Saar". Let's not get hung up on these quirks here — they need not distract us from the main thrust of this exercise.
OK, now that you've warmed up: suppose we're going to begin populating our database using the first pattern above, namely "* is a novel by *". In our initial attempt, we'll retrieve all search results for that query, take the matching text from each snippet, and then construct a tuple from the subphrases corresponding to each wildcard (again, without fretting too much about how we find the right phrase boundaries — let's just assume we can do that reasonably well).
Answer each of the following questions in just a couple of sentences — no need to write a treatise here.
OK, suppose that we've found effective (if not perfect) solutions to the problems highlighted in questions 1 and 2, and we've used our first pattern to find several thousand (author, novel) tuples. But we know we're still missing many thousands more, so we're going to use the tuples we already have to identify additional extraction patterns. This time, enter the following search query:
"Ayn Rand" "Atlas Shrugged"
Again, spend some time perusing the results. Do the results suggest any good patterns that might be used to identify additional tuples?
There is a demo of the ReVerb system online at:
To get warmed up, spend a few minutes playing with the demo. Try using it to answer the following relational queries:
Try a few more queries of your own invention. Fun, huh? OK, now you're ready to answer a couple of easy questions. Again, just a couple of sentences is enough.
A crucial ingredient of the Yao et al. 2012 paper you read for today is the clustering of path senses into semantic relations. In this exercise, we'll take a closer look at the clustering evaluation metrics used by Yao et al. to measure their success: the pairwise metrics and the B3 metrics. Clustering tasks crop up in many different areas of NLP and NLU (including documentation classification, coreference resolution, topic modeling, and automatic thesaurus construction), so it's useful to know something about how clustering models are evaluated.
Assume that we have a set of n items to be clustered, and two clusterings (that is, partitions) of the items: a predicted clustering which is to be evaluated, and a target clustering against which to perform the evaluation. Both the pairwise approach and the B3 approach reformulate the clustering task as a binary classification task (or a set of such tasks). By comparing the binary labels derived from the predicted clustering to the binary labels derived from the target clustering, we can then compute precision and recall, just as in a standard evaluation of a binary classifier. However, the two approaches differ in how they define this reformulation.
The pairwise approach reformulates the clustering task as a binary classification task over pairs of items. Given a clustering, we label each of the n(n − 1)/2 pairs of items true if the two items are in the same cluster, and false otherwise. We then compute precision and recall by comparing the pairwise labels derived from the predicted clustering to those derived from the target clustering.
The B3 approach reformulates the clustering task as a set of binary classification tasks, each focused around a single item. Given a clustering and a focus item x, we label every item (including x itself) true if it appears in the same cluster as x, and false otherwise. We then compute per-item precision and recall by comparing the labels derived from the predicted clustering to those derived from the target clustering. Finally, we compute aggregate precision and recall by averaging per-item precision and recall over all items.
Lastly, in both approaches we compute F1 as the harmonic mean of precision and recall.
Suppose we have a set of five items to cluster: {koala, ostrich, porpoise, salmon, tuna}.
The target clustering is {{koala, porpoise}, {ostrich}, {salmon, tuna}}. (In other words, we want to cluster the critters by taxonomic class.)
We'll evaluate three possible clusterings against this target clustering:
We'll evaluate each clustering using both the pairwise metrics and the B3 metrics.
pairwise metrics | |||
clustering | precision | recall | F1 |
naïve | |||
minimal | |||
maximal |
B3 metrics | |||
clustering | precision | recall | F1 |
naïve | |||
minimal | |||
maximal |
If you're struggling with the definitions of the evaluation metrics, it might be helpful to do some Googling, or even go back to the original sources. The earliest source I know of for the pairwise approach is:
Hatzivassiloglou, Vasileios and Kathleen R. McKeown. 1993. Towards the automatic identification of adjectival scales: Clustering adjectives according to meaning.
If someone knows of an earlier source, please let me know!
The B3 evaluation metrics originated in:
Bagga, Amit and Breck Baldwin. 1998. Algorithms for scoring coreference chains.
This page may also be helpful in trying to grok the B3 metrics.
In case you're unfamiliar with the concepts of precision, recall, and F1, here's a quick explanation.
To evaluate a binary classifier, we compare the predicted labels to the target labels for every item in our test set. We begin by compiling counts, over the test set, of each of the four possible outcomes:
We then compute precision and recall from the counts of these outcomes.
Finally, F1 is defined as the harmonic mean of precision and recall:
For example, suppose we have a test set of 10 items, with the following predicted and target labels:
item | predicted | target | outcome |
1 | T | F | FP |
2 | T | T | TP |
3 | F | F | TN |
4 | T | T | TP |
5 | F | T | FN |
6 | F | F | TN |
7 | T | T | TP |
8 | T | F | FP |
9 | F | F | TN |
10 | T | T | TP |
The outcome counts are:
outcome | count |
TP | 4 |
FP | 2 |
FN | 1 |
TN | 3 |
The precision, recall, and F1 are therefore:
More background can be found in the Wikipedia articles on precision and recall and F1.