
Monday, June 24

Lecture Video


1. Preliminary Note (Welcome, and Don't Panic!)

2. Annotated Syllabus Prezi

3. Task List

4. Supplementary Productivity Tip: Browser Shortcuts

5. Hello, world!

6. What's next?

Preliminary Note (Welcome, and Don't Panic!)

Thanks for being so warm and receptive on Day #1 today, everyone. I know you have a LOT of information coming at you already in this class. CS106B can feel like a beast of a machine sometimes. If you ever feel lost, overwhelmed, or have questions about where to find things, please don't hestitate to ask! Probably the best avenue for that is on the Ed forum. There are already some great questions there.

Remember: This class can get intense, but you have a very active, caring, dedicated course staff here to support you every step of the way.

Annotated Syllabus Prezi

We started with an annotated overview of the syllabus today, Prezi style:

Task List

You already have a number of tasks to work through and a few upcoming deadlines. Here's a quick summary:

  • Syllabus Quiz. The Syllabus Quiz (Quiz #0) is now available on Canvas, is  due this Friday at 11:59 PM , and is  worth 2% of your final course grade .

  • Install Qt. Work through the Qt Creator Installation Guide to get the Qt Creator installed. This is the official IDE of CS106B, and you will need it this quarter in order to complete your assignments and capitalize on the all the awesome Stanford C++ Library goodies we'll be using. Getting this set up is also part of A0. (See below.)

  • Start A0. Assignment 0 is posted and is  due Friday at 11:59 PM  (Pacific time). See the Assignments page.

  • Let us help you! If you hit a snag and need help installing the Qt Creator, visit office hours this week or attend the Qt Creator intall help session this Thursday, 7 - 9 PM in Durand 353.

  • Check your units. If you are an undergraduate,  you must take this course for 5 units . If you registered for 3 or 4 units and are not a graduate student, please rectify this issue in Axess.

  • Sign up for section. Sign up for a section through Paperless by Tuesday, 5 PM. Section starts this week!

  • Julián's Weekly Ed Post. Keep an eye on Ed for Julián's weekly post about all the goings-on in this course that need to be on your radar.

Supplementary Productivity Tip: Browser Shortcuts

You can enhance your productivity by setting keyword shortcuts in your web browser that take you directly to various pages you visit frequently – such as the homepage for this course (possibly a direct link to the Lectures page), the Ed forum, or the Living Omni-Grid. This is useful for minimizing clicks and keystrokes and saving yourself the time and cognitive effort it takes to parse through different page suggestions that pop up in your web browser's navigation bar as you're typing.

For Google Chrome users, see the following page for help getting that set up: https://lifehacker.com/how-to-set-keyword-bookmarks-in-google-chrome-5476033

This is especially helpful if, say, you were in another class that used an Ed forum, and so typing "ed" in your web browser's location bar always suggests last quarter's forum link. Some shortcuts I use, personally, include:

keyword link
b CS106B homepage: https://cs106b.stanford.edu/
ed Ed forum: https://edstem.org/us/courses/60490/
og Living Omni-Grid: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1lWEyPUzMym4zoRfM-MdkBJVwFOlshs8O/
sm Stanford Mail: (direct link to my university inbox)

Hello, world!

At the very end of class, I loaded up the Qt Creator and threw down the code for a simple "Hello, world!" program that uses the Stanford C++ Library's console for displaying its output. Here's the code:

#include <iostream>
#include "console.h"

using namespace std;

int main()
cout << "Hello, world!" << endl;
return 0;

The output was, of course:

Hello, world!

What's next?

On Tuesday, we'll delve into some basics of C++ and see an intense amount of code. You will want to come prepared to take lots of notes. Our next quiz will unlock on Tuesday, as well.

Keep in mind that you can always check out the Living Omni-Grid or the Lectures page to see what's coming up next, as well!