Welcome to CS106A

alt: dogs try again and again and it does not work, 'it will work, you will see' they say

What Is The Plan for CS106A?

CS106A in a Picture

alt: computers and useful things like the internet, what is between?
alt: computers and useful things like the internet, CODE is what is between

Code is the language the controls computers. When you understand code, now the computer's power is yours.

Why Take CS106A?

Other CS Courses

CS105 is a more lightweight introduction to CS ideas, but without as much coding as CS106A.

CS106B is the second course, teaching more advanced programming and computer science for people who know basic programming.

CME193 is a 1-unit course in applied Python for scientists and engineers. It is a course one could take after CS106A.

If you have zero or little programming experience, CS106A is the right place for you. If you have some experience and are not sure if CS106A is too easy for you, take a look at the old final exams linked off the course page. Since our week-1 material starts at the very beginning, but looking at the final exam is a better indication of where we end up.

Fundamental Equation of Computers

computer = powerful + stupid

Computers are a surprising combination of opposites. Here is a little foreshadowing story on these lines.

Step 1 - Broken Code, Broken Computer

Step-2 - Weird But Not Difficult

Course Details

We will go through the main course details quickly here, then we'll start coding. Please read the syllabus for the spelled out details.

Everything on Course Page cs106a.stanford.edu


Python Language

Education Theory - Learn By Doing

Lecture Notes and Exercises

Lecture Goes Pretty Fast - Lecture Examples

Weekly Section

No A+ Grades

Late Days

Office Hours - Lair

Office Hours - Nick and Ngoc

Ed Forum

Honor Code

Nick's Theory of the 10 Week Quarter

CS106A Important True/False Disclosure

Q. You say everyone can do this class. True/False - CS106A is an easy course.

False. It's doable, but "easy" is not the word that springs to mind.