LEFT: Tom, Sam (hidden), and Ashwin grinding up mushroom in liquid nitrogen with the mortar and pestle. RIGHT: Laurie doing likewise.
Tom is setting up an IEF gel at the protein gel preparation bench.
Laurie and Sam using the low pressure chromatography system to enrich tyrosinase in their mushroom sample.
Sylvan and Ashwin setting up the low pressure chromatography system.
LEFT: DEAE chromatography column in its stand. RIGHT: DEAE column that has turned brown after use. Note the handwritten numbers on the side, indicating column volume.
Laurie examining her clarified supernatant after grinding, homogenizing, and centrifuging her mushroom sample.
Sam, Laurie, and Tom working in the tyrosinase lab space.
Sam shows off cuvettes containing samples from his BCA assay. He is using the assay to determine the protein concentration in samples from throughout the enrichment.