The two microscopes used for the fluorescence correlation spectrometer lab.
    Arrangement of the table on the first day of the lab. The red tape down the middle of the table separates the two setups. The black boxes contain the single-photon counting modules. The laser, which is within the taped-off region at the top of the picture, is sent into a 50/50 beam-splitter that couples the laser into two optical fibers. As an introduction to optical components, the students measure the focal length of the magnifying lens at the bottom of the picture.
    Another view of the setup on the first day.
    The Nikon TE2000-S microscope used in the lab.
    A few of the important optical elements used by the students during the lab.
    Paul looking down the eyepiece of one of the microscope setups.
    Paul and Matt working on opposite sides of the optical table.
    Matt working hard in front of one of the data acquisition and analysis computers.

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