For anyone with an OAE quarter-long accommodation or anyone that is currently in isolation, please email cs198lair@gmail.com as soon as you can with a screenshot of your positive test (with name and date visible), or your OAE letter, and indicate clearly in your email the start and end dates you will require virtual LaIR
For Covid isolation, you should be emailing us your start and end dates of isolation
For OAE, you can say "entire quarter" if your accommodation is for the entire quarter
SCPD students will automatically receive access to virtual LaIR for the entire quarter - no need to send us an email
Do not email the lecturers, head TAs, section leaders, or cs198@cs.stanford.edu with requests or questions regarding LaIR. They will not be answered. The only email that will approve these requests is cs198lair@gmail.com
If you test positive or receive an exposure notification at any point in the quarter, please email cs198lair@gmail.com with a screenshot of your positive test (with name and date visible) or exposure notification (with name and date visible) and indicate clearly in your email the start and end dates you will require virtual LaIR The coordinators will send you a confirmation that you have been approved for virtual LaIR after you send us this information. We will not approve any requests that are not for documented medical reasons or SCPD, and you are not approved for virtual LaIR until we email you a confirmation
All documentation will be kept confidential and secure by the CS198 Coordinators, and be immediately discarded after the quarter. The virtual LaIR course staff will only see that you are approved for virtual LaIR - they will not know the reason why
It is a violation of the Fundamental Standard to falsify documentation for access to virtual LaIR, to attempt to bypass any checks to access virtual LaIR without approval, or to share any links or logins to students other than yourself to access virtual LaIR if you are approved for an accommodation. If we discover any of the above, the course staff will pursue it with the Office of Community Standards
All students in LaIR will follow current university guidelines regarding COVID safety. Failure to do so will result in revoked LaIR privileges (both in-person and virtual
Virtual LaIR