Section #3 Solutions
July 12, 2021
Written by Juliette Woodrow, Anna Mistele, John Dalloul, and Parth Sarin
String Slicing
- s[1:6]
- s[:2] or s[0:2]
- s[6:9]
- s[6:] or s[6:10]
- s[6] or s[6:7]
- s[:] or s[0:10] (or just s)
- s.upper()
- s.lower()
- s[-1]
- s[-3:]
String Searching
def defront(s):
if len(s) >= 2:
return s[2:]
return s
def x_end(s):
found = s.find('x')
if found != -1:
return s[found:]
return ''
def is_valid_password(password):
exclamation_index = password.find("!")
# check for presence of !
if exclamation_index == -1:
return False
and_index = password.find("&")
# check for presence of &
if and_index == -1:
return False
# check for ordering of ! and &
if and_index < exclamation_index:
return False
# check for number of characters
if exclamation_index <= (len(password) - and_index - 1):
return False
# if checks don't return false, password checks out
return True
def at_word(s):
at1 = s.find('@')
if at1 != -1:
at2 = s.find('@', at1 + 1)
if at2 != -1:
return s[at1 + 1:at2]
return ''
String Construction
def make_gerund(s):
"""This function adds 'ing' to the end of the given string s and returns this new word. If the given world already
ends in 'ing' the function adds an 'ly' to the end of s instead before returning.
>>> make_gerund('ringing')
>>> make_gerund('run')
>>> make_gerund('')
>>> make_gerund('ing')
#if it already ends in ing, add an 'ly' instead
if len(s) >= 3 and s[len(s)-3:] == 'ing':
s = s[0:len(s)-3] + 'ly'
s = s + 'ing'
return s
def put_in_middle(outer, inner):
"""This function inserts the string inner into the middle of the string outer and returns this new value
>>> put_in_middle('Absolutely', 'freaking')
>>> put_in_middle('ss', 'mile')
>>> put_in_middle('hit', 'obb')
middle = len(outer) // 2
return outer[0:middle] + inner + outer[middle:]
Word Puzzle
def is_stacatto(word):
Returns whether a word is a stacatto word, i.e., whether the letters in
even positions are vowels.
word -- The word to check
>>> is_stacatto('AUTOMATIC')
>>> is_stacatto('POPULATE')
>>> is_stacatto('')
>>> is_stacatto('PYTHON')
>>> is_stacatto('SPAGHETTI')
for i in range(len(word)):
if i % 2 == 1:
even_letter = word[i]
if not even_letter in VOWELS:
return False # we've found an even letter that isn't a vowel,
# so we can return immediately.
return True
Fun with Lists
def append_evens(n):
result = []
for i in reversed(range(n+1)):
if i % 2 == 0:
return result
def all_substrings(s):
result = []
for i in range(len(s)):
for j in range(i, len(s)):
result.append(s[i: j+1])
return result
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