10:11:46 From (anonymous) : Why did we have to make go_until_blocked(bit)? Couldn’t we have just re-used go_wall_right(bit) and written code between such as bit.right() and bit.move () to navigate?
10:17:19 From (anonymous) : How does it know to start with the main function? If there are helper functions above it
10:17:58 From (anonymous) : Can we just do “tab”
10:18:28 From (anonymous) : I understand that we create the names of the helper function, but do we also create the name for the function that defines the whole code such as solve_hurdles()
10:23:58 From (anonymous) : Why isn’t it the == ? Is “=“ similar to <- in R?
10:25:05 From (anonymous) : x is the variable, is the “42” considered the “object”
10:25:09 From (anonymous) : *?
10:25:57 From (anonymous) : When would we need to use numbers?
10:27:52 From (anonymous) : so do programmers just use google to get the chunks of codes they need and put them together in ways that work for their purposes, lol
10:31:17 From (anonymous) : Will changing a variable change the code before it?
10:31:32 From (anonymous) : ^had the same question
10:31:42 From (anonymous) : Do you have to go to where you defined the variable to change it? Or you type at any point in the code to change the variable?
10:40:04 From (anonymous) : Is there a particular reason we are dealing with the fourth quadrant rather than the first?
10:54:58 From (anonymous) : Thank you!
10:55:00 From (anonymous) : Thank you!
10:55:07 From (anonymous) : Thank you!