Final Exam
The final exam will be held in Hewlett 200 on Friday, August 12th, from 8:30am - 10:30am. If you are an SCPD / remote student, you should receive another email with final exam details.
- The final will be comprehensive, meaning that it covers the entire course. We will not ask any Bit questions, though.
- You should understand up to and including classes. We will likely have you fill in functions from a class that we define.
- Although we will not take off points for syntax errors, we do expect that your code will be proper Python code. If we cannot determine what you meant by your answer, you will not receive full credit.
- The final exam is open book, open notes. There are some rules:
- You are not allowed to look up the specific question online. E.g., if the question was, "write a function to calculate the sum of all the numbers from 1 to 1000," you could not look up "code to calculate the numbers from 1 to 1000" online.
- You may not ask anyone else for help (text/email/etc).
- By taking the final, you are implicitly agreeing to follow the Stanford Honor Code, and if we detect any violations of the Stanford Honor Code during the final, you will receive a 0 on the final, and we will forward a report to the Stanford Office of Community Standards for further penalties.
- Bring the following to class:
- A laptop with web access. If you do not have access to a laptop, please reach out to Chris and Tori to make other arrangements.
- We will have a limited supply of power outlets if your computer will not last through the entire final.
- A mask. We will not let anyone take the in-person final without a mask.
- Scrap paper and a pen/pencil. The paper must be blank when you start the final.
- A laptop with web access. If you do not have access to a laptop, please reach out to Chris and Tori to make other arrangements.
- The final will be delievered on a web page.
- There are a couple of different places you can look for example questions for the final. We do not have a full 2-hour final exam to show you, though.
- You can find an example 60 minute quiz here (time set to 10000 minutes for practicing): Practice 60 minute quiz. PyCharm project and quiz solutions
- You can find questions from the Winter 2022 CS106A 90-minute final here: Practice 90 minute final
- Be sure to look at the review session materials, too.
- There are a couple of different places you can look for example questions for the final. We do not have a full 2-hour final exam to show you, though.
Honor Code
- You must not give or receive unpermitted aid of any form.
- The work you submit must be your independent, original work; not jointly developed nor derived from the work of another.
- You are not to discuss the content with any other person (except for private, individual communication with the course staff to ask for clarification). This restriction applies while completing your own work and afterwards up until the Diagnostic Window closes for all.
- The prohibition against sharing or discussing with others applies to the content in any form (no verbal description, problem text, solution diagrams or code, and so on) and through any communication channel (no private conversation, group chat, email, Ed post, internet question/answer forum, etc.)
Here is a non-exhaustive list of what resources are permitted and not:
- Permitted
- You may access the textbook and other books in printed or digital form
- You may look at any materials on the course website (lecture slides, section problems, practice materials, etc.), read previous conversations on our Ed forum, and review your own assignment code on Paperless
- You may search online to find resource material related to course content
- You may make a private post on Ed to ask a clarifying question about the diagnostic content
- Not Permitted
- You must not make a public post on Ed discussing any diagnostic content
- You must not post content from the diagnostic on any online site or seek help from a forum such as Stack Overflow
- You must not discuss the diagnostic content with any person (other than the course staff) during the entire diagnostic window
- You must not share your solution code with other students nor ask other students to share their solution code with you