CS106A Programming Methodologies
Summer Quarter 2022
Live lectures, NVIDIA Auditorium MTuWTh 9:45am-10:45am PT
Two of our wonderful SLs, Grant and Emily, will be hosting a review session for the final exam on Friday August 5 at 4 PM. The location is Room 103 in Littlefield Center and we'll post the slides afterwards. Additionally, you're welcome to post on Ed and attend office hours as you're reviewing materials for the final. Best of luck with studying; you've got this!
Welcome to CS106A, Summer Quarter! I look forward to seeing everyone on Monday, June 20th, for the first lecture. Lectures will be recorded and available on Canvas, so you do not have to attend the live lecture (but the more, the merrier!)
This website, along with the Ed Discussion forum will have all of the information for the course. The only part of the course on Canvas will be the recorded course videos.
We will have more details about the course on Monday, but feel free to post here if you have any questions at this time.
As part of CS106A, we will have small, mandatory, in-person sections. Section preference sign-ups start on Sunday June 19th, and end on Tuesday, June 21 at 5pm. Please put in your preferences here:
Both Chris and Tori will have regular office hours, which you are welcome to attend, and you can also attend our Section Leader LaIR hours, which is a well-staffed office hours meeting where you can get individualized help on the course topics or on your assignments.
LaIR will be in Durand 353 (glass conference room across from 3rd floor elevator). All students will have after-hours key card access to Durand
The LaIR hours in the Summer will be during the following times:
- Sundays 7PM-11PM
- Mondays 5PM-9PM
- Tuesdays 5PM-9PM
- Wednesdays 7PM-11PM
- Thursdays 7PM-11PM
Other LaIR details:
- There is a dedicated staff of virtual LaIR helpers, but this will only be for SCPD students, students who test positive for COVID, or students who have OAE letters explaining why they cannot come to in person LaIR Click here for details about virtual lair.
Here is the archived website for spring quarter.
See older announcements.