List of Corrections
Page 99, line -10 : change $\ge$ to $\le$. Also, in the bottom paragraph, change "increased" to "decreased".
Page 98, line 6 : add a transpose between the two vector product.
Page 95, line 4 : change the power -2 in the last term to 2.
Page 89, line -1 : remove the power 2.
(Thanks to Jianfu Wang of University Leiden, Netherlands for discovering these typos.)
Page 49, 53 : both $a_j$ and $a_{.j}$ represent
the $j$th column of $A$; Example 2.1: (3/) should be (3/2).
Exercise 2.12: Change "2" to "1"
in the (dual) potential functions.
Page 13 : 6th line "function" should be
"functions"; Page 44: in the inequality of Theorem 2.1, "$n$" should be
(Thanks to Cris Choi of UI for discovering these typos.)
Page 170
in Algorithm 5.2. In the line "While ... do,"
"$\|(x^k,s^k)\|_1 < \frac{2}{\theta^k\rho}$"
has to be replaced by
"$\|(x^k,s^k)\|_1 \leq \frac{2}{\theta^k\rho}$".
(Thanks to Rouven Lepenis of Uni-Wuezburg for discovering this error.)
Reference [41]: Change
"E.-W. Bai and Y. Ye" to "E.-W. Bai, Y. Ye, and R. Tempo".
I apologize to Roberto Tempo for this error.
Reference [52]: Change "D. P. Bertsekas" to
"D. Bertsimas". I apologize to Bertsimas for this error.
Page 13: Change
"$C\bullet X$ and $\det(X)$ are homogeneous of degree $1$..." to
"$C\bullet X$ and $\det(X)$ are homogeneous of degree $1$ and $n$,
respectively, ...".
Theorem 3.11 and Exercise 3.8:
Change "\eta(x,s)\le 1" to "\eta(x,s)\le 1/\sqrt{2}".
Page 260, equation (8.24): Change
"(x/\tau)^T\nabla f(x/\tau)^T" to "(x/\tau)^T\nabla f(x/\tau)".
Yinyu Ye
Department of Management Sciences /
College of Business Administration /
The University of Iowa /
Iowa City, IA 52242
email: /
(O) (319) 335-1947/ S384 PBAB/
FAX:(319) 335-1956/