Yinyu Ye

K. T. Li Professor of Engineering
Management Science & Engineering and Institute of Computational & Mathematical Engineering

Huang Engineering Center 308
475 Via Ortega
School of Engineering
Stanford University, CA 94305-4121

Phone: 650 723-7262
Fax: 650 723-1614

Operations Research @ Stanford

Computational Optimization Laboratory


Ph.D. Engineering Economic Systems and Operations Research , Stanford University , 1988.
M.S. Engineering Economic Systems , Stanford University , 1983.
B.S. Systems and Control, Huazhong University of Science and Technology , Wuhan, China, 1982.

Research Interest

Linear and Mathematical Programming
Optimization Algorithm Design and Analysis
Operations Research Models and their Applications
Algorithmic Game and Computational Complexity
My Google Scholar Link

Here are Courses I am teaching at Stanford for 2023-2024

Here are some Talks I made most recently

Here are Selected recent/unpublsined working papers of our team

My Sport Life and some photos/articles of Persional Lifes

My Short bio in English and Chinese

My complete Curriculum Vita

Here are some unpublished working papers of mine

Other Interesting Links

The fifth Edition of BOOK Linear and Nonlinear Programming by David G. Luenberger and Yinyu Ye has been published. Click here for information .
Also see Table of Contents , Lecture Slides in various courses I am teaching, Chapter-by-Chapter Matlab Demonstration Codes/Scripts , and 5thErrata ; Solution Manual is also avaiable for intructors upon request.

The BOOK Interior-Point Algorithms: Theory and Analysis has been published. Click here for information and related software .

Yinyu Ye
K.T. Li Professor of Engineering
Department of Management Science and Engineering
School of Engineering
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305
email: yinyu-ye@stanford.edu