Instructions on How to Generate a PO for Fermentas/Thermo Fisher Freezer
- From "Non-Catalog Request" choose "Standard Good".
- Fill in "Item Description, Quantity, Unit of Measure and Unit Price". It's very important you also include the the vendors part number.
- This step is very important! For the "Supplier Name" please type in "Fermentas" and click on the magnifying glass icon. A new window will display a list of Fermentas suppliers. Choose the one that states "2650 Crescent Dr Ste 100 BECKMAN CENTER 3RD FLOOR FREEZER Lafayette CO 80026 US". Please see the photo below.
- Where it says "Does this require a Contract?" choose "No".
- Check out like you normally would by providing a PTA.
- Before submitting the order please check the box where it states, "By
checking this box, you acknowledge you have met the Price Reasonableness
policy in Purchasing."
That's it! You can now go to the freezer and retrieve your item.