Freezer Inventory
PCR Products
- K0171: 2X PCR Master Mix / 200 Reactions
- R0192: dNTP Mix (10mM Solution) / 1 ml
- R0181: dNTP Set (4x0.25ml of 100mM Solution) / 4x25µmol
- F-122S: Phire® Hot Start II DNA Polymerase / 200 Reactions
- F-530S: Phusion® High Fidelty DNA Polymerase [2u/ul] / 100 U
- EP0402: Taq DNA Polymerase (recombinant) (5u/µl) / 500 U
Protein Ladders
- 26619: PageRuler Plus Prestrained Protein Ladder / 2x25 uL
- 26616: PageRuler Prestrained Protein Ladder / 2x250 uL
- 26634: Spectra Mutlicolor Broad Range Protein Ladder / 2x250 uL
DNA and RNA Ladders (RTU = Ready to Use)
- SM1333: GeneRuler™ 1 kb Plus DNA Ladder, RTU / 500 Appl
- SM0243: GeneRuler™ 100 bp Ladder, RTU / 100 Appl
- SM0323: GeneRuler™ 100 bp Plus Ladder, RTU / 100 Appl
- SM0313: GeneRuler™ 1kb DNA Ladder, RTU / 500 Appl
- SM1823: RiboRuler™ High Range RNA Ladder, RTU / 50 Appl
DNA Purification
- K0691: GeneJET™ Gel Extraction Kit / 50 Preps
- K0701: GeneJET™ PCR Purification Kit / 50 Preps
- K0503: GeneJET™ Plasmid Miniprep Kit / 250 Preps
Cloning and RT Kits
- K1422: Rapid DNA Ligation Kit / 50 Reactions
- K1621: RevertAid™ First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit / 20 reactions
Modifying Enzymes
- EN0521: DNase I (RNase Free) (1u/µl) / 1,000 U
- EF0651: FastAP™ Alkaline Phosphatase (1u/µl) / 1,000 U
- EP0051: Klenow Fragment (10u/µl) / 300 U
- EO0492: Proteinase K (20mg/ml) / 5x1 ml
- EP0441: RevertAid™ M-MuLV Reverse Transciptase / 10,000 U
- EO0381: RiboLock™ RNase Inhibitor (40u/µl) / 2,500 U
- EL0011: T4 DNA Ligase (5u/µl) / 1,000 U
- EP0061: T4 DNA Polymerase (5u/µl) / 100 U
- EK0031: T4 Polynucleotide Kinase (10u/µl) / 500 U
Restriction Enzymes
- FD1414: FastDigest® Apal (1 FDU/µl) / 300 Reactions
- FD0054: FastDigest® BamHI (1 FDU/µl) / 800 Reactions
- FD0084: FastDigest® BglII (1 FDU/µl) / 200 Reactions
- FD0144: FastDigest® Clal (Bsu15) (1 FDU/µl) / 100 Reactions
- FD1704: FastDigest® Dpnl (1 FDU/µl) / 100 Reactions
- FD0274: FastDigest® EcoRI (1 FDU/µl) / 800 Reactions
- FD0304: FastDigest® EcoRV (Eco32I) (1 FDU/µl) / 400 Reactions
- FD0504: FastDigest® HindIII (1 FDU/µl) / 800 Reactions
- FD0524: FastDigest® Kpnl (1 FDU/µl) / 300 Reactions
- FD0574: FastDigest® Ncol (1 FDU/µl) / 100 Reactions
- FD0584: FastDigest® Ndel (1 FDU/µl) / 300 Reactions
- FD0974: FastDigest® Nhel (1 FDU/µl) / 100 Reactions
- FD0594: FastDigest® Notl (1 FDU/µl) / 50 Reactions
- FD0614: FastDigest® Pstl (1 FDU/µl) / 800 Reactions
- FD0634: FastDigest® Pvull (1 FDU/µl) / 400 Reactions
- FD1134: FastDigest® Sacl (1 FDU/µl) / 200 Reactions
- FD0644: FastDigest® Sall (1 FDU/µl) / 200 Reactions
- FD0664: FastDigest® Smal (1 FDU/µl) / 200 Reactions
- FD0684: FastDigest® Xbal (1 FDU/µl) / 300 Reactions
- FD0694: FastDigest® Xhol (1 FDU/µl) / 400 Reactions
- R0561: Glyogen, molecular biology grade (20mg/ml) / 2x0.25 ml
- R0391: IPTG / 1.0g
- R0401: X-Gal / 0.5g
Pricing, Description and Promotions