Stanford / VA / NIA Aging Clinical Research Center
Palo Alto Veterans Health Care System
3801 Miranda Ave 151Y, Palo Alto, CA 94304
Phone: 650-852-3287 Fax: 650-852-3297

ACRC's NIA Alzheimer's Disease Core Center

CURRENT RESEARCH on Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias


The patient and family may desire to have the brain examined after death and donate this organ to medical research on Alzheimer’s Disease. ACRC can offer this at no charge, although we ask that patients have participated in most of the previously mentioned studies. In this way, we can attempt to link clinical/behavioral data to the changes in the brain. After the ACRC pathologist has examined the brain, we will review the major findings and a detailed report of the examination can be made available. In addition, the donation allows researchers to gain a more thorough understanding of the illness.

We are pleased to be able to expand our efforts to help fight this disease by seeking brain donations from anyone over the age of 55 who is in generally good health without significant memory problems. By comparing brains of Alzheimer patients with brains of similarly aged individuals who do not have Alzheimer's, researchers may gain clues on how to treat and eventually prevent the disease. Your time commitment in our program should be minimal. We only ask that participants volunteer their time every two years for brief clinical evaluations. Costs associated with the donation will be covered by the ACRC. Your contribution can serve as a gift to those afflicted with Alzheimer's and can be crucial in our fight against this devastating disease.

To receive more information about our program, please contact:
Tamara Karnos, MA
Donor Coordinator
(650) 852-3234

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© 2004 Stanford/VA/NIA Aging Clinical Research Center