For over a decade our studies of memory and aging have been funded by the National Institute of Mental Health through a grant entitled: Memory and Mental Health. The primary focus of this work has been conducting studies of nonpharmacologic treatments for memory losses in older adults. Memory losses not associated with Alzheimer's Disease may still account for up to a 30% loss of function between the time one is 20 and 70 years old. This condition has been labeled Aged-Associated Cognitive Decline and is not necessarily linked to Alzheimer's. Our past studies have compared and contrasted a number of interventions.
We are presently studying a number of interventions to improve memory in older adults. These include teaching methods to improve concentration, visual imagery ability and the ability to use associative devices (mnemonics).
For information on research publications see the Laboratory Director's C.V. under the heading: "Age-Associated Cognitive Decline and Cognitive Training."
Training Materials Available
The person who actually does this training, Danielle Lapp, email: ddoceli at yahoo dot com has written several books on the subject, the latest of which, entitled Don't Forget, is available in English from
The book is also available in French from Dunod, and from mille-feuilles, Spanish from Emece, German from Bertelsmann and from Libri, Italian from Liviana, Japanese from Ishiyama, Russian from Mir, and translations are in progress in several other languages.
NEW: One of Mrs. Lapps books is now available in a Kindle edition. The book, Nearly Total Recall, answers 100 questions on memory while teaching the same techniques quesd in the Stanford training.