Cystic Fibrosis:
CF Researchers & Laboratories [Last edited 5/29/2004]

This list is far from complete.  Many CF researchers do not yet have a web presence, and I've missed many of those who do.  If you would like to be on this list, or if your entry needs to be updated, please send me email.
........A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Myles Akabas - Physiology & Cellular Biophysics - Columbia University
Melissa Ashlock - Cystic Fibrosis Foundation


. Giulo Barbero - University of Missouri, Columbia  (deceased)
. Stephen T. Ballard - Department of PhysiologyUniversity of South Alabama
. Christine Bear - Biochemistry - University of Toronto
.Arthur Beaudet - Molecular & Human Genetics - Baylor
.David Bedwell - University of Alabama
. Dale Benos - University of Alabama
.Richard C. Boucher, - CF/Pulmonary Research Center - University of North Carolina Medical School
.Manuel Buchwald - University of Toronto
.Jane Burns - University of Washington, Seattle


Lane Clarke - University of Missouri, Columbia
Jonathan Cohn - Gastroenterology - Duke University Medical Center
Francis Collins - Director, Human Genome Project
Calvin Cotton - Physiology & Biophysics - Medical School - Case Western Reserve University
Ronald Crystal -Pulmonary/Critical Care MedicineCornell Medical Center
Harry Cuppens - University of Leuven
Garry Cutting -Pediatrics - Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
Douglas Cyr - University of Alabama


Pamela Davis - Physiology & Biophysics Medical School - Case Western Reserve University
David Dawson - University of Michigan
Michael Dean - Laboratory of Genomic Diversity - NCI-FCRDC
Robert C. De Lisle - Anatomy & Cell Biology - U. Kansas Medical Center
Vojo Deretic - University of Michigan
Thilo Dörk - Hannover
Mitch Drumm -Genetics - Case Western Reserve University
William Dubinsky - U. Texas, Houston
Peter Durie - (Photo) - Gastroenterology -  Hospital for Sick Children  - University of Toronto


John Engelhardt -Lab -Anatomy & Cell Biology -   University of Iowa


  Walter Finkbeiner - Department of Pathology - U. C. Davis Health System
  Terrence Flotte -
Gordon Forstner  -(photo) - Division of Cell Biology - Hospital for Sick Children  - University of Toronto
Kevin Foskett - Department of Physiology - University of Pennsylvania
Ray Frizzell - Cell Biology & Physiology - U. Pittsburgh Medical School - U. Pittsburgh
Kathy Fuller - University of Alabama


Sherif E. Gabriel - CF/Pulmonary Research Center - University of North Carolina Medical School
David Gadsby - Rockefeller
Tomas Ganz - UCLA  - School of Medicine
  Phyllis Gardner - Molecular Pharmacology - School of Medicine - Stanford University
  Joanna Goldberg -
  Michel Goossens - Molecular Genetics And Pathophysiology - Hopital Henri Mondor -94010 Creteil, France
  Roberta A. Gottlieb - Biochemistry - Scripps Research Institute
William Guggino - Physiology - Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
Richard J. Grand - Pediatric Gastroenterology - New England Medical Center
Peter Greenberg -Microbiology - University of Iowa
Sergio Grinstein - Division of Cell Biology - Hospital for Sick Children  - University of Toronto
Barbara R. Grubb - CF/Pulmonary Research Center - University of North Carolina Medical School
Dieter Gruenert - UCSF

John Hanrahan - Physiology - McGill University
Ann Harris - Institute of Molecular MedicineOxford
Robert Harvey - Physiology & Biophysics - Medical School - Case Western Reserve University
Ulrich Hopfer - Physiology & Biophysics - Medical School - Case Western Reserve University
Burton Horowitz - Nevada
Joseph Hume - Nevada
Tzyh-Chang Hwang - Physiology - University of Missouri, Columbia

  Beate Illek - Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute

Douglas Jefferson - Physiology - Tufts University School of Medicine - Tufts University

  Kevin Kirk -Physiology & BiophysicsUniversity of Alabama
  Michael R. Knowles - CF/Pulmonary Research Center - University of North Carolina Medical School
  Michael Konstan - - Case Western Reserve University
  Mauri Krouse - CF Research Laboratory - Stanford University
  Ron Kopito - Biological Sciences - Stanford

  Margaret W. Leigh - CF/Pulmonary Research Center - University of North Carolina Medical School
  Carol Liedtke - Physiology & Biophysics - Medical School - Case Western Reserve University
  Stephen Lory -
  Gergely L. Lukacs - Research Institute - Hospital for Sick Children
  Douglas Luckie - PhysiologyMichigan State University

Jianjie Ma - Physiology & Biophysics - Medical School - Case Western Reserve University
Terry Machen - Molecular & Cell Biology - U.C. Berkeley
Nael McCarty - Department of Biology - Georgia Institute of Technology
  Paul McCray - Pediatrics - University of Iowa
Anil Mehta - University of Dundee
Sheldon Miller - Molecular & Cell Biology - U.C. Berkeley
Richard Moss -Pulmonary  Pediatrics - Stanford Medical School       Interview-->
Shmuel Muallem - Department of Physiology - U. Texas Southwestern Med. Cntr.

  Georg Nagel - Max Planck Institute for Biophysics
  Michael Newhouse - Inhale Therapeutics -
  Giuseppe Novelli - Section on Genetics,  - University of Rome "Tor Vergata"

Hugh O'Brodovich - Division of Cell Biology - Hospital for Sick Children - University of Toronto

Chris Penland - CF Research Laboratory - Stanford University
Gerald Pier - Channing Laboratory - Harvard Medical School
Harvey Pollard - Uniformed Services University
J. David Porteus - Medical GeneticsUniversity of Edinburgh
  Elmer Price - Veterinary Medical Sciences - College Vetinary  Medicine - U. Missouri
Alice Prince - Div. Infectuous Diseases - Pediatrics - Columbia

  Paul Quinton - Department of Pediatrics - U.C. San Diego School of Medicine


Bonnie Ramsey - Cystic Fibrosis Program - University of Washington Medical Center
John Riordan -Basic Research - Mayo Clinic, Arizona
Johanna Rommens - Rommens Lab - Chromosome 7 project - Genetics at Sickkids -
Daniela Rotin - Division of Cell Biology - Hospital for Sick Children - University of Toronto


  Lisa Saiman - Columbia University
  Erik Schwiebert - University of Alabama
  Lisa Schwiebert - University of Alabama
David Sheppard -Department of PhysiologyUniversity of Bristol
William Skach - Oregon Health Sciences University
Eric Sorscher - University of Alabama
Alan Smith - Genzyme
Arnold Smith - University of Missouri, Columbia
Jeffrey Smith -Pediatrics-College of Medicine - University of Iowa
Bruce Stanton -Physiology - Dartmouth Medical SchoolDartmouth
M. Jackson Stutts - CF/Pulmonary Research Center - University of North Carolina Medical School

Keith Tanswell -(photo)- Division of Cell Biology - Hospital for Sick Children - University of Toronto
Philip J. Thomas - Department of Physiology - U. Texas Southwestern Medical Center
  Michael Tosi -
Bruce Trapnell -
Lap-Chee Tsui -(photo)University of Toronto


  Mike Vasil -
Alan Verkman - UCSF


Brandon Wainwright - U. Queensland
Ron Walenga - Physiology & Biophysics - Medical School - Case Western Reserve University
William Welch - UCSF
Michael Welsh(HHMI)-(Iowa)- Internal Medicine - Iowa
Jeffrey Whitsett - U. Cincinnati
Jonathan Widdicombe - UCSF - Human Physiology - Davis
Christopher Wilson - University of Washington, Seattle
James Wilson - U. Pennsylvania
Jeffrey Wine - CF Research Laboratory - Stanford
Roger Worrell - Dept. Physiology - Emory University


James R. Yankaskas - CF/Pulmonary Research Center - University of North Carolina Medical School

Pamela Zeitlin - Pediatrics - Johns Hopkins School of Medicine

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