The Genius Drive Revamp Project

(OR Creating a VistaPE USB bootable thumb drive with PGP by Varun Tansuwan)

Table of Contents

Forward to II. Virtual Machine Setup

I.    Getting Started

PDF version --> VistaPE Project NotesVKT.pdf

a.    Why make a VistaPE Drive?

Pre-installation Environments provides a base for a number of useful tools and abilities. It can assist hardware troubleshooting and problem isolation by allowing you to boot a clean and an almost fully operational OS and testing most hardware/software from a clean/stable environment.

b.    Prerequisites

This guide assumes a few things; that the reader is comfortable with:

Also that:

Note: There are rules for PE as defined by Microsoft. This guide assumes the user is following them. In particular, in no way are PE’s designed or intended or allowed to be run as the main primary OS. They are to be limited to a 72-hour run-time. (it self reboots automatically)

c.    Tools

d.    Disclaimer

The author assumes no responsibility for misuse or problems resulting from use of the tools or this guide. It’s meant to be helpful but in some situations using this information is not appropriate and could prove harmful if done on certain workstation builds.

Table of Contents

Forward to II. Virtual Machine Setup

Last Update 06-17-2009