Conflict Sites
NEWS (Local International Papers)
Electronic Journals and Newspapers on Africa
Electronic Journals and Newspapers on the Middle East
Electronic Journals and Newspapers on South Asia
Peacekeeping and Related Operations
This site contains resources and reference materials from various Army War Colleges, Peacekeeping Centers and government bodies.
Crisis Web: International Crisis Group
ICG is a private, multinational organization committed to field research with an eye towards improving international capacity to prevent conflict. Teams of political analysts based in countries at risk (nine total: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Rwanda, Albania, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Macedonia, Algeria, Burundi, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Indonesia) for crisis collection information from diverse resources to assess risk of conflict and make practical recommendations targeted at key international decision-makers.
Founded in Palo Alto in 1986, this is mostly an activist site with links to discussions on international issues and headlines from IGOs relating to conflicts abroad.
INCORE: Initiative on Conflict Resolution and Ethnicity
Houses the Ethnic Studies Network (ESN) and the Ethnic Studies Research Digest as well as providing an extensive conflict data services with a bibliographic database as well as a research database. This site is an excellent guide to resources in the field of conflict and ethnicity.
The Carnegie Commission on Preventing Deadly Conflict site gives access to their publications and to webcast conferences. Topics include (but are not limited to) diplomacy, prevention, journalism and environment as they relate to conflict.
International Peace Academy
Located at the United Nations building in New York, the IPA focuses its research on peacemaking and peacekeeping policy analysis, establishing programs to support the development of regional efforts for peacemaking and peacekeeping, facilitating efforts to settle international conflict, and implementing an outreach program to build public awareness of trends and issues in these fields. The site’s newsletter and research links address the following topics, among others: peacebuilding, conflict prevention, economic agendas in civil wars, civilians in war, impact of sanctions and UN-NATO relations.
See first three bullets under "News"
War, Peace and Security Guide: Canadian Forces College
Click on the world map, and this war watchtower takes users to info and further links for any country and the skirmishes it is currently fighting.
Project on Ethnic Relations, dedicated to conflict in Eastern and Central Europe as well as the former Soviet Union. For Common Ground is an NGO that defines its staff as social entrepreneurs who design and implement innovative ways to reframe issues and solve problems. This site offers information, analysis and programmatic ideas for the following countries/regions: Angola, Burundi, Middle East, Iran, Turkey, Macedonia and the Ukraine.
Relief Web
www.reliefweb.intReliefWeb is a project of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of
Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). It provides a map center, monitors countries dealing with natural disasters, issues conflict situation reports and analyses, follows complex emergencies in several regions, and provides up-to-the-minute updates on target countries. Features peacebuilding initiatives and systems for Kosovo and the Great Lakes Region.
Electronic Resource Centre
HREA's on-line collection of education and training materials, calendar of human rights training opportunities, human rights education links (including links to human rights documents) and databases.
ACCORD: An International Review of Peace Initiatives
Accord: An International Review of Peace Initiatives is a resource for diplomats, mediators and negotiators; relief, development and human rights workers; journalists and academics. Its four main functions are to provide: a practical learning resource to enrich people's understanding of the potentialities and pitfalls of 'peacebuilding'; a primer for international readers unfamiliar with specific wars and peace processes; a reference tool containing conveniently packaged, comprehensive texts of peace agreements; a forum for interesting or contentious insights from those directly involved or affected by peace processes, particularly local civic organizations.
International Conflict Initiatives Clearinghouse (ICIC)
Rising from the need to monitor and coordinate the many conflict resolution initiatives operating in any given conflict, ICIC maintains this website. You can search by region, topic or key word.
International Boundaries Research Unit (IBRU), UK seeks to further the peaceful resolution of conflicts relating to boundary/territory disputes. Offers boundary-related links and Research Unit papers on the subject.
Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School
Links to the Negotiation Journal or the Harvard Negotiation Law Review. Also, see the Project on Preventing War and the Project on Psychological Processes of Negotiation.
See Search for Common Ground in "Regional" section.
International Relations and Security Network the services offered are: an annotated links library, a limited area search tool (ISN LASE), a selection of resources on current world affairs, and specialized fact databases. It is coordinated and developed by the Center for Security Studies and Conflict Research at the ETH Zurich in cooperation with numerous international partners. The project is supported by the Swiss Government as an official part of Switzerland’s participation in the Partnership for Peace (PfP).
Conflict Prevention Newsletter of The European Platform of Conflict Prevention and Transformation (IICMR) European Platform published its first annual report which is available
online. Also, "Searching for Peace in Africa," with 31 conflict prevention and management surveys of African conflicts and several introductory and regional articles. Also, thematic essays, links to other conflict websites, and country surveys.International Conflict Resolution Information Sources
Includes indexes and abstracts from major journals, a special Columbia library, links to intergovernmental resources and U.S. agencies/government documents, links to research/policy centers and treaty archives.
Center for International Development and Conflict Management (CIDCM), University of Maryland site harbors the Global Event Data System (GEDS), minority maps, the Minorities at Risk Project (Tedd Gurr), and State Failure (looking at internal wars and failures of governance). Each project has research papers posted and some projects have interactive maps.
The Conflict Processes Section of the American Political Science Association (APSA) site provides access to publicly available
data sets used frequently in the study of political conflict processes. Also, you can view abstracts of conference papers on-line.InfoManage International: Conflict Resolution news bits from rebels "in their own words." Also charts conflicts and potential conflicts by state, noting numbers and percentage of civilians impacted by strife. Also has links to background information and analysis on a per conflict basis for particular countries.
The Joan B. Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies
The Kroc institute has web-published papers on the following topics: peace enforcement, religious and ethical views on conflict, globalization and conflict studies.
Peace, War and Social Conflict, American Sociological Association (ASA)
Links to major sociological journals: Peace Review, Peace and Change, and The Journal of Conflict Resolution. Also, an EXCELLENT guide page thoroughly delineating links to war sites/research.
Center for Defense Information
This site offers military views and research on conflict hot spots: China/Taiwan relations, Russian nuclear material, missile defense and a newsletter: The Defense Monitor.
The Genocide Research Project
This site serves as a reference and contact site for scholars and students pursuing research on genocide and international law; it developed and maintains an on-line, annotated bibliography of recent research publications on genocide; and, it seeks to increase the visibility of genocide and other crimes against humanity as research topics for criminologists and criminal justice scholars. Go to the link page.
The Peace Research Index of the Peace Research Information Unit in Bonn research survey of scholars and projects throughout the entire field of conflict resolution. Good for country-specific information.
Peace Research Institute of Oslo
Online resources and link pages.
Stockholm International Peace Research Institute of research: arms transfers and production, military expenditure and technology, chemical and biological weapons, European security, and export controls.
United States Institute for Peace
Policy papers and speeches (in video) are found on this site.
Copenhagen Peace Research Institute areas include military security, European restructuring, Nordic-Baltic Sea security, Intra-state conflicts: Causes and Peace Strategies, and Global Governance and Peace. Visit the working paper section of this site for downloadable documents.