Sarah Peluse
speluse [at] stanford [dot] edu
I am an associate professor at Stanford University interested in arithmetic combinatorics and analytic number theory.
Papers and preprints
Dariusz Kosz
Mariusz Mirek
, and
Jim Wright
The multilinear circle method and a question of Bergelson
. arXiv 2411.09478.
Sean Prendiville
Fernando Shao
Bounds in a popular multidimensional nonlinear Roth theorem
. arXiv 2407.08338.
Rachel Greenfeld
Marina Iliopoulou
On integer distance sets
. arXiv 2401.10821.
Ashwin Sah
Mehtaab Sawhney
Effective bounds for Roth's theorem with shifted square common difference
. arXiv 2309.08359.
K. Soundararajan
Divisibility of character values of the symmetric group by prime powers
. Algebra Number Theory
(2025), no. 2, 365-382.
Ben Krause
Mariusz Mirek
, and
Jim Wright
Polynomial progressions in topological fields
. Forum Math. Sigma
(2024), e106, 51 pp.
Subsets of F_p^n x F_p^n without L-shaped configurations
. Compos. Math.
(2024), no. 1, 176-236.
K. Soundararajan
Almost all entries in the character table of the symmetric group are multiples of any given prime
. J. Reine Angew. Math.
(2022), 45-53.
On even entries in the character table of the symmetric group
. arXiv 2007.06652.
An asymptotic version of the prime power conjecture for perfect difference sets
. Math. Ann.
(2021), no. 3-4, 1387-1425.
Sean Prendiville
A polylogarithmic bound in the non-linear Roth Theorem
. Int. Math. Res. Not. (2022), no. 8, 5658-5684.
Bounds for sets with no polynomial progressions
. Forum Math. Pi
(2020), e16, 55 pp.
Sean Prendiville
Quantitative bounds in the non-linear Roth Theorem
. Invent. Math.
(2024), no. 3, 865-903.
On the polynomial Szemer\'edi theorem in finite fields
. Duke Math. J.
(2019), no. 5, 749-774.
Three-term polynomial progressions in subsets of finite fields
. Israel J. Math.
(2018), no. 1, 379-405.
Mixing for three-term progressions in finite simple groups
. Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc.
(2018), no. 2, 279-286.
Finite field models in arithmetic combinatorics--twenty years on
. Surveys in Combinatorics 2024, 159-199. London Math. Soc. Lecture Note Ser., 493 Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2024.
Recent progress on bounds for sets with no three terms in arithmetic progression [after Bloom and Sisask, Croot, Lev, and Pach, and Ellenberg and Gijswijt]
. Astérisque (2022), no. 438, exp. no. 1196, 547-581, Séminaire Bourbaki. vol. 2021/2022. exposés 1181-1196.
Stanford Number Theory Seminar
Additive Combinatorics 2024
High-dimensional phenomena in discrete analysis
GLNT Seminar
IAS Women and Mathematics
IAS Special Year Research Seminar
Analysis and TCS: New Frontiers
Joint IAS/Princeton Number Theory Seminar
Webinar in Additive Combinatorics