Robert Siegel
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New Photos, New Pages, and Recently Revised Pages
Despite the title and the promise, this page has not been well-updated. But here's to future optimism.
Newly created pages
San Gregorio - created 11-10-2014
Wine - created 11-9-2014
Arcadia Place - created 11-9-2014
Loons - created 3-17-2014
Bananas - created 3-9-2014
Marthias - created 3-8-2014
The Hash - created 2-26-2014
Stanford Dish 2014 - created 2-22-2014
Darwin Chronologized - created 2-22-2014, updated 2-26-2014
Tape worms - created 2-22-2014
Revised pages
Fish - revised 11-10-2014
Raccoons - revised 11-10-2014
Chocolate - revised 11-9-2014
Bagels - revised 11-9-2014
All Jasper Ridge pages - revised 3-18-2014
Scotland - revised 3-12-2014
Uganda 2003 - revised 3-9-2014
The Stanford Tree - revised 3-6-2014
Nepenthe - revised 2-26-2014
Coyotes - revised 2-22-2014
Darwin Safari 2007 - revised 2-21-2014
Ano Nuevo 2014 - revised 2-21-2014
Pigeon Point - revised 2-21-2014
The Stanford Dish 2013-14 - revised 2-21-2014
Angels and devils - revised 2-20-2014
Orchids - revised 2-20-2014
Waddell Beach
Pigeon Point
Costa Rica 2010
Bean Hollow
Geckoes - updated
South Africa - updated
Florida 2010
Easter Island 2009
Only sings in the shower - hummingbird, Butterfly World, Florida
Tulip in black and white, Arcadia Place, Palo Alto
Arborial Salamander, Arcadia Place, Palo Alto
Hawk and flowers
Hawk head
Film class project
Various pix
Stanford Safari 2008
Ceiba speciosa
Buddha's hand (Citrus medica var. sarcodactylus)
View from 1000 feet
The Darwin Safari
A pile of new pix from Tanzania, Travel Study Family Adventure trip
Bad feather day
When birds try to French kiss...
Slow spiral
Eye o' da croc
Porcupine in Borneo - close encounter - a quilling experience
The Edward Jenner story
Polio - National Vaccination Daze
Tussock moth caterpillar on thumb
Giant caterpillar invasion of Stanford Quad
Caterpillar on the attack
Tussock marauding
Tussock up close and personal
Splender in the grass
Wing thing
Mexico picture pages
Close encounter of the Gingrich kind
Not just any anole' lizard
Tulip close-up
Phalaenopsis close-up
Convergence in red
"Facing the facts"
February 17, 2007
taken with Canon 30D, 70-300 DO IS lens
"Species profiling"
February 17, 2007
taken with Canon 30D, 70-300 DO IS lens
"Hawking his wares"
February 17, 2007
taken with Canon 30D, 70-300 DO IS lens
"Hawk eye"
February 17, 2007
taken with Canon 30D, 70-300 DO IS lens
White necked raven in flight, Oldoinyo Lengai, Tanzania
Canada Goose, Byxbee Park
Night Heron, Arcadia Place
Amaryllis, Arcadia Place
Hairy fungus, Lake Lagunita
Amaryllis back-lit
White necked raven, Tanzania
Sunrise, Lengai
Deer, Stanford Dish
White egret, Stanford Dish
Protea, Golden Gate Park
Orchid, Golden Gate Park
Gumby in monkey puzzle form
Where the wolves stand tall
The John Snow story
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Last modified: November 10, 2014,br>
previously modified: September 24, 2009
created: July 22, 2006