Robert Siegel
quick link to photo index
Quick link to Bay Area pictures
San Francisco
This is a move in progress so please let me know of any broken links.
Quick links within page
City Hall
Coit Tower
Golden Gate Bridge
Oakland Bay Bridge
America's Cup
Pier 39
Aerial SF
I found my heart
Union Square
March 25, 2014
Coit Tower
Coit Tower
From the Bay Bridge
October 20 2013
Coming from Alan's birthday party
City Hall dome
City Hall at night
The Golden Gate Bridge
When the Golden Gate gets red
When the Golden Gate get golden
Crossing the threshold
March 15, 2014
Abroad the Kitty Kat
December 29, 2006
Oakland Bay Bridge
October 20 2013
Coming from Alan's birthday party
America's Cup
Racing past The Rock
Pier 39
Air 39
March 15, 2014
Piano stairs
March 15, 2014
Sea lion
with cookie cutter shark scar
March 15, 2014
Close-up cookie cutter shark scar
March 15, 2014
Related pages
The Farallone Islands
San Francisco
Coast Range
Strawberry Canyon
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Modified: December 22, 2015
Created: January 15, 2011
Contact: siegelr@stanford.edu
All pictures are protected by copyright. Do not use without permission.