Know all men by these presents that I, Henry Baughman, Jr., of Stark County in the State of Ohio, do hereby bind myself and my heirs and assigns unto Henry Baughman Sr., his heirs and assigns of the same place in the sum of one thousand dollars to the payment of which well and truly to be made finely by these presents sealed with my seal dated this 9th day of October A.D. 1844. The condition of the above obligation is such that whereas the above bounded Henry Baughman Jr. will in consideration of a deed of conveyance bearing date August 13th 1811 for the north west quarter of Section 36, Township 19, Range 7, containing 161 acres, 8 perches. Reference thereunto had will more fully appear delivered to him by the above named Henry Baughman Sr. have agreed and undertaken to keep and maintain the said Henry Baughman Sr. during the natural life of the said Henry Baughman Sr., provide and furnish him with a good warm room sufficient meat drink washing and lodging and decent warm and sufficient clothing both for summer and winter, suitable to his age and condition in life and to administer to him in health and in sickness all and every other reasonable aid relief comfort and assistance necessary and suitable to his condition in life, giving said Henry Baughman Sr. privilege to select the house which he now occupies west of the dwelling house of said Henry Baughman Jr., on the above described premises then this obligation to be said otherwise to be and remain in full force. HENRY BAUGHMAN