123. P. F. Michelson,
"Developments in Gamma-ray Astronomy", in Proceedings
of the XXI Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics, Edited
by R. Bandiera, R. Maiolino, and F. Mannucci, pp. 133-140. World
Scientific (2003).
122. Nolan, P.
L.; Tompkins, W. F.; Grenier, I. A.; Michelson, P. F. "Variability
of EGRET Gamma-Ray Sources". The Astrophysical Journal,
Volume 597, Issue 1, pp. 615-627.
121. Sowards-Emmerd,
David; Romani, Roger W.; Michelson, Peter F. "The Gamma-Ray
Blazar Content of the Northern Sky". The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 590, Issue 1, pp. 109-122.
120. Michelson,
Peter F, "Instrumentation for the Gamma-ray Large Area
Space Telescope (GLAST) mission". Edited by Joachim E.
Truemper, Harvey D. Tananbaum. Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume
4851, pp. 1144-1150 (2003).
119. Mallory S.E.
Roberts, Peter F. Michelson, Denis A. Leahy, Tony A. Hall, John
P. Finley, Lynn R. Cominsky, Radhika Srinivasen, ¡§Phase Dependent
Spectral Variability of 4U1907+09¡¨, accepted for publication
in the Ap. J.,(2002)
118. W.B. Atwood,
S. Ritz, P. Anthony, E.D. Bloom, P.E. Bosted, J. Bourotte, C.
Chaput, X. Chen, D.L. Chenette, D. Engovatov, R. Erickson, T.
Fieguth, P. Fleury, R. Gearhart, G. Godfrey, J.E. Grove, J.A.
Hernando, M. Hirayama, S. Jaggar, R.P. Johnson, W.N. Johnson,
B.B. Jones, W., Kroger, Y.C. Lin, C. Meetre, P.F. Michelson,
P.A. Milne, A. Moiseev, P. Nolan, J.P. Norris, M. Oreglia, J.F.
Ormes, B.F. Phlips, A. Pocar, H.F.W. Sadrozinski, Z. Szalata,
D.J. Thompson, W.F. Tompkins, ¡§Beam Test of Gamma-Ray Large
Area Space Telescope Components¡¨, Nucl .Instrum. Meth., A446,
pp. 444-460 (2000).
117. Thompson,
D. J.; Bailes, M.; Bertsch, D. L.; Cordes, J.; D'Amico, N.;
Esposito, J. A.; Finley, J.; Hartman, R. C.; Hermsen, W.; Kanbach,
G.; Kaspi, V. M.; Kniffen, D. A.; Kuiper, L.; Lin, Y. C.; Lyne,
A.; Manchester, R.; Matz, S. M.; Mayer-Hasselwander, H. A.;
Michelson, P. F.; Nolan, P. L.; Ogelman, H.; Pohl, M.; Ramanamurthy,
P. V.; Sreekumar, P.; Reimer, O.; Taylor, J. H.; Ulmer, M. ¡§Gamma
Radiation from PSR B1055-52¡¨, Ap. J., 516, pp. 297-306 (1999).
116. Gehrels, Neil;
Michelson, Peter, ¡§GLAST: the next-generation high energy gamma-ray
astronomy mission¡¨, Astroparticle Physics, 11, pp. 277-282
115. Hartman, R.
C.; Bertsch, D. L.; Bloom, S. D.; Chen, A. W.; Deines-Jones,
P.; Esposito, J. A.; Fichtel, C. E.; Friedlander, D. P.; Hunter,
S. D.; McDonald, L. M.; Sreekumar, P.; Thompson, D. J.; Jones,
B. B.; Lin, Y. C.; Michelson, P. F.; Nolan, P. L.; Tompkins,
W. F.; Kanbach, G.; Mayer-Hasselwander, H. A.; Mucke, A.; Pohl,
M.; Reimer, O.; Kniffen, D. A.; Schneid, E. J.; von Montigny,
C.; Mukherjee, R.; Dingus, B. L. ¡§The Third EGRET Catalog of
High-Energy Gamma-Ray Sources¡¨, Ap. J. Suppl., 123, pp. 79-202
114. Esposito,
J. A.; Bertsch, D. L.; Chen, A. W.; Dingus, B. L.; Fichtel,
C. E.; Hartman, R. C.; Hunter, S. D.; Kanbach, G.; Kniffen,
D. A.; Lin, Y. C.; Mayer-Hasselwander, H. A.; McDonald, L. M.;
Michelson, P. F.; von Montigny, C.; Mukherjee, R.; Nolan, P.
L.; Reimer, O. L.; Schneid, E.; Sreekumar, P.; Thompson, D.
J.; Tompkins, W. F.; Willis, T. D. ¡§In-Flight Calibration of
EGRET on the Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory¡¨, Ap. J. Suppl.,
123, pp. 203-217 (1999).
113. Lin, Y. C.;
Bertsch, D. L.; Bloom, S. D.; Esposito, J. A.; Hartman, R. C.;
Hunter, S. D.; Kanbach, G.; Kniffen, D. A.; Mayer-Hasselwander,
H. A.; Michelson, P. F.; Mukherjee, R.; Mucke, A.; Nolan, P.
L.; Pohl, M.; Reimer, O.; Schneid, E. J.; Thompson, D. J.; Tompkins,
W. F. ¡§EGRET Spectral Index and the Low-Energy Peak Position
in the Spectral Energy Distribution of EGRET-detected Blazars¡¨,
Ap. J., 525, pp. 191-194 (1999).
112. Mayer-Hasselwander,
H.; Bertsch, D.L.; Dingus, B.L.; Eckart, A.; Esposito, J.A.;
Genzel, R.; Hartman, R.C.; Hunter, S.D.; Kanbach, G.; Lin, Y.-C.;
Michelson, P.F.; Mucke, A.; von Montigny, C.; Mukherjee, R.;
Nolan, P.L.; Pohl, M.; Reimer, O.; Schneid, E.J.; Sreekumar,
P.; Thompson, D.J.; ¡§High-Energy Gamma-Ray Emission from the
Galactic Center¡¨, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 335, p.161-172
111. Fierro, J.M.,
Michelson, P.F., Nolan, P.L., and Thompson, D.J., ¡§Phase-resolved
Studies of the High-Energy Gamma-Ray Emission from the Crab,
Geminga, and Vela Pulsars¡¨, Ap. J., 494, p. 734-746 (1998)
110. Sreekumar,
P.; Bertsch, D.L.; Dingus, B.L.; Esposito, J.A.; Fichtel, C.E.;
Hartman, R.C.; Hunter, S.D.; Kanbach, G.; Kniffen, D.A.; Lin,
Y.C.; Mayer-Hasselwander, H.A.; Michelson, P.F.; von Montigny,
C.; Mucke, A.; Mukherjee, R.; Nolan, P.L.; Pohl, M.; Reimer,
O.; Schneid, E.; Stacy, J.G.; Stecker, F.W.; Thompson, D.J.;
Willis, T.D.; ¡§EGRET observations of the extragalactic gamma-ray
emission¡¨, Ap.J., 494, p. 523-534 (1998).
109. Mukherjee,
R.; Bertsch, D.L.; Bloom, S.D.; Dingus, B.L.; Esposito, J.A.;
Fichtel, C.E.; Hartman, R.C.; Hunter, S.D.; Kanbach, G.; Kniffen,
D.A.; Lin, Y.C.; Mayer-Hasselwander, H.A.; McDonald, L.M.; Michelson,
P.F.; von Montigny, C.; Mucke, A.; Nolan, P.L.; Pohl, M.; Reimer,
O.; Schneid, E.; Sreekumar, P.; Thompson, D.J; ¡§EGRET observations
of high-energy gamma-ray emission from blazars: an update¡¨,
Ap.J., 490, p. 116-135 (1997).
108. Lin, Y.C.;
Bertsch, D.L.; Dingus, B.L.; Esposito, J.A.; Fichtel, C.E.;
Hartman, R.C.; Hunter, S.D.; Kanbach, G.; Kniffen, D.A.; Mattox,
J.R.; Mayer-Hasselwander, H.A.; Michelson, P.F.; von Montigny,
C.; Mukherjee, R.; Nolan, P.L. Schneid, E.J.; Sreekumar, P.;
Thompson, D.J.; Willis, T.D.; ¡§Comparison of X-ray- and radio-selected
BL Lacertae objects in high-energy gamma-ray observations¡¨,
Ap. J. Lett., 476, no.1, pt.2, p. L11-14 (1997).
107. Mucke, A.;
Pohl, M.; Reich, P.; Reich, W.; Schlickeiser, R.; Fichtel, C.E.;
Hartman, R.C.; Kanbach, G.; Kniffen, D.A.; Mayer-Hasselwander,
H.A.; Merck, M.; Michelson, P.F.; von Montigny, C.; Willis,
T.D.; ¡§On the correlation between radio and gamma ray luminosities
of active galactic nuclei¡¨, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 320,
no.1, p. 33-40 (1997).
106. Hunter, S.D.;
Bertsch, D.L.; Catelli, J.R.; Dame, T.M.; Digel, S.W.; Dingus,
B.L.; Esposito, J.A.; Fichtel, C.E.; Hartman, R.C.; Kanbach,
G.; Kniffen, D.A.; Lin, Y.C.; Mayer -Hasselwander, H.A.; Michelson,
P.F.; von Montigny, C.; Mukherjee, R.; Nolan, P.L.; Schneid,
E.; Sreekumar, P.; Thaddeus, P.; Thompson, D.J., ¡§EGRET observations
of the diffuse gamma-ray emission from the Galactic plane¡¨,
Ap.J., 481, no.1, pt.1, p. 205-40 (1997).
105. Kniffen, D.A.;
Alberts, W.C.K.; Bertsch, D.L.; Dingus, B.L.; Esposito, J.A.;
Fichtel, C.E.; Foster, R.S.; Hartman, R.C.; Hunter, S.D.; Kanbach,
G.; Lin, Y.C.; Mattox, J.R.; Mayer -Hasselwander, H.A.; Michelson,
P.F.; Von Montigny, C.; Mukherjee, R.; Molan, P.L.; Paredes,
J.M.; Ray, P.S.; Schneid, E.J.; Sreekumar, P.; Tavani, M.; Thompson,
D.J.; ¡§EGRET observations of the gamma-ray source 2CG 135+01¡¨
Ap. J., 486, no.1, pt.1, p. 126-31, (1997).
104. Mori, M.,
Bertsch, D.L., Dingus, B.L., Esposito, J.A., Fichtel, C.E.,
Hunter, S.D., Kanbach, G., Kniffen, D.A., Lin, Y.C., Mattox,
J.R., Mayer-Hasselwander, H.A., Michelson, P.F., von Montigny,
C., Mukherjee, R., Nolan, P.L., Ramanamurthy, P.V., Schneid,
E., Sreekumar, P., Thompson, D.J., ¡§Cygnus X-3 and EGRET gamma
ray observations¡¨, Ap.J., 476, no.2, pt.1, p. 842-6 (1997).
103. Michelson,
P.F., ¡§GLAST: A detector for high-energy gamma rays¡¨, invited
paper, Proc. SPIE, 2806, 31 (1996).
102. Lin, Y.C.;
Bertsch, D.L.; Dingus, B.L.; Esposito, J.A.; Fichtel, C.E.;
Fierro, J.M.; Hartman, R.C.; Hunter, S.D.; Kanbach, G.; Kniffen,
D.A.; Mattox, J.R.; Mayer-Hasselwander, H.A.; Michelson, P.F.;
von Montigny, C.; Mukherjee, R.; Nolan, P.L.; Radecke, H.-D.;
Schneid, E.J.; Sreekumar, P.; Shriver, S.K.; Thompson, D.J.;
Willis, T.D.; ¡§EGRET observations of the region to the south
of b=-30 degrees in phase 1 and phase 2 of the Compton Gamma
Ray Observatory viewing program¡¨, Astrophysical Journal Supplement
Series, 105, no.2, p. 331-41 (1996).
101. Thompson,
D.J.; Bertsch, D.L.; Dingus, B.L.; Esposito, J.A.; Etienne,
A.; Fichtel, C.E.; Friedlander, D.P.; Hartman, R.C.; Hunter,
S.D.; Kendig, D.J.; Mattox, J.R.; McDonald, L.M.; Mukherjee,
R.; Ramanamurthy, P.V.; Sreekumar, P.; vonMontigny, C.; Fierro,
J.M.; Jones, 104. B.B.; Lin, Y.C.; Michelson, P.F.; Nolan, P.L.;
Tompkins, W.; Willis, T.D.; Kanbach, G.; Mayer-Hasselwander,
H.A.; Merck, P.L.; Pohl, M.; Kniffen, D.A.; Schneid, E.J.; ¡§Supplement
to the second EGRET catalog of high-energy gamma-ray sources¡¨,
Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 107, no.1, p. 227-37
100. Mucke, A.,
Pohl, M., Reich, P., Reich, W., Schlickeiser, R., Fichtel, C.E.,
Hartman, R.C., Kanbach, G., Kniffen, D.A., Mayer-Hasselwander,
H.A., Merck, M., Michelson, P.F., von Montigny, C., Willis,
T.D., ¡§On the correlation between radio and gamma ray luminosities
of active galactic nuclei¡¨, to be published in Astronomy and
Astrophysics (December 1996).
99. Dingus, B.L.,
Bertsch, D.L., Digel, S.W., Esposito, J.A., Fichtel, C.E., Fierro,
J.M., Hartman, R.C., Hunter, S.D., Kanbach, G., Kniffen, D.A.,
Lin, Y.C., Mattox, J.R., Mayer-Hasselwander, H.A., Michelson,
P.F., von Montigny, C., Mukherjee, R., Nolan, P.L., Schneid,
E., Sreekumar, P., Thompson, D.J., and Willis, T.D., ¡§EGRET
observations of gamma rays from point sources with galactic
latitude -30o < b < -10o¡¨, Ap. J., 467, 589 (1996).
98. Thompson, D.J.,
Bertsch, D.L., Dingus, B.L., Esposito, J.A., Etienne, A ., Fichtel,
C.E., Fierro, J., Friedlander, D.P., Hartman, R.C., Hunter,
S.D., Kanbach, G., Kendig, D., Kniffen, D.A., Lin, Y.C., Mayer-Hasselwander,
H.A., Mattox, J.R., Michelson, P.F., von Montigny, C., Mukherjee,
R., Schneid, E., Sreekumar, P., Thompson, D.J., Willis, T.D.,
¡§The second EGRET catalog of high-energy gamma-ray sources¡¨,
Ap. J. Suppl., 101, 259 (1996).
97. De Jager, O.C.,
Harding, A.K., Michelson, P.F., Nel, H.I., Nolan, P.L., Sreekumar,
P., Thompson, D.J., ¡§Gamma-ray observations of the Crab Nebula:
a study of the synchro-Compton spectrum¡¨, Ap. J., 457, 253
96. Nolan, P.L.,
Bertsch, D.L., Dingus, B.L., Esposito, J.A., Fichtel, C.E.,
Fierro, J., Hartman, R.C., Hunter, S.D., Kanbach, G., Kniffen,
D.A., Lin, Y.C., Mayer-Hasselwander, H.A., Mattox, J.R., Michelson,
P.F., von Montigny, C., Mukherjee, R., Schneid, E., Sreekumar,
P., Thompson, D.J., Willis, T.D., ¡§EGRET observations of gamma-rays
from point sources with Galactic latitude +10 degrees < b
< +40 degrees¡¨, Ap. J., 459, 100 (1996).
95. Mattox, J.R.,
Bertsch, D.L., Dingus, B.L., Esposito, J.A., Fichtel, C.E.,
Fierro, J., Hartman, R.C., Hunter, S.D., Kanbach, G., Kniffen,
D.A., Lin, Y.C., Mayer-Hasselwander, H.A., Mattox, J.R., Michelson,
P.F., von Montigny, C., Mukherjee, R., Nolan, P.L., Schneid,
E., Sreekumar, P., Thompson, D.J., Willis, T.D, ¡§The likelihood
analysis of EGRET data¡¨, Ap. J., 461, 396 (1996).
94. Jones, B.,
Bertsch, D.L., Dingus, B.L., Esposito, J.A., Fichtel, C.E.,
Fierro, J., Hartman, R.C., Hunter, S.D., Kanbach, G., Kniffen,
D.A., Lin, Y.C., Mayer-Hasselwander, H.A., Mattox, J.R., Michelson,
P.F., von Montigny, C., Mukherjee, R., Nolan, P.L., Schneid,
E., Sreekumar, P., Thompson, D.J., Willis, T.D., ¡§Possible
EGRET gamma-ray burst detection independent of BATSE triggering¡¨,
Ap. J., 463, 565 (1996).
93. Sreekumar,
P., Bertsch, D.L., Dingus, B.L., Esposito, J.A., Fichtel, C.E.,
Fierro, J., Hartman, R.C., Hunter, S.D., Kanbach, G., Kniffen,
D.A., Lin, Y.C., Mayer-Hasselwander, H.A., Mattox, J.R., Michelson,
P.F., von Montigny, C., Mukherjee, R., Nolan, P.L., Schneid,
E., Thompson, D.J., Willis, T.D., ¡§EGRET observations of the
North Galactic Pole region¡¨, Ap. J., 464, 628 (1996).
92. Thompson, D.J.,
Arzoumanian, Z., Brazier, K.T.S., D¡¦Amico, N., Esposito, J.A.,
Fichtel, C.E., Fierro, J.M., Hunter, S.D., Johnston, S., Kanbach,
G., Kaspi, V.M., Kniffen, D.A., Lin, Y.C., Lyne, A.G., Manchester,
R.N., Mattox, J.R., Mayer-Hasselwander, H., Merck, M., Michelson,
P.F., Nice, D.J., Nolan, P.L., Taylor, J.H, ¡§EGRET Observations
of high-energy gamma radiation from PSR B1706-44¡¨, Ap. J.,
465, 385 (1996).
91. Nel, H.I.,
Arzoumanian, Z., Brazier, K.T.S., D¡¦Amico, N., Esposito, J.A.,
Fichtel, C.E., Fierro, J.M., Hunter, S.D., Johnston, S., Kanbach,
G., Kaspi, V.M., Kniffen, D.A., Lin, Y.C., Lyne, A.G., Manchester,
R.N., Mattox, J.R., Mayer-Hasselwander, H., Merck, M., Michelson,
P.F., Nice, D.J., Nolan, P.L., Ramanamurthy, P.V., Taylor, J.H.,
Thompson, D.J., Westbrook, C., ¡§EGRET High-Energy Gamma-ray
Pulsar Studies III: A Survey¡¨, Ap. J., 465, 898 (1996).
90. Schneid, E.J.,
Bertsch, D.L., Dingus, B.L., Esposito, J.A., Fichtel, C.E.,
Fierro, J., Hartman, R.C., Hunter, S.D., Kanbach, G., Kniffen,
D.A., Lin, Y.C., Mayer-Hasselwander, H.A., Mattox, J.R., Michelson,
P.F., von Montigny, C., Mukherjee, R., Nolan, P.L., Thompson,
D.J., Willis, T.D., ¡§EGRET measurements of energetic gamma
rays from the gamma-ray bursts of 1992 June 22 and 1994 March
1¡¨, Ap. J., 453, 95 (1995).
89. Wagner, S.J.,
Mattox, J.R., Hopp, U., Bock, H., Heidt, J., Bertsch, D.L.,
Dingus, B.L., Fichtel, C.E., Hartman, R.C., Hunter, S.D., Kanbach,
G., D.A., Kniffen, D. A., Lin, Y.C., Mayer-Hasselwander, H.A.,
Mattox, J.R., Michelson, P.F., von Montigny, C., Mukherjee,
R., Schneid, E., Sreekumar, P., Thompson, D.J., ¡§High-energy
gamma rays from PKS 1406-076 and the observation of correlated
gamma-ray and optical emission¡¨, Ap J. Lett., 454, L97 (1995).
88. Mukherjee,
R., Bertsch, D.L., Dingus, B., Esposito, J., Fichtel, C.E.,
Hartman, R.C., Hunter, S.D., Kanbach, G., Kniffen, D.A., Lin,
Y.C., Mayer-Hasselwander, H.A., von Montigny, C., Michelson,
P.F., Schneid, E., Sreekumar, P., and Thompson, D.J., "EGRET
gamma-ray sources: GRO J0744+54 and GRO J0957+65 (=BL Lac object
0954+658) ", Ap. J., 445, 189 (1995).
87. Montigny, C.,
Michelson, P.F., Mukherjee, R., Schneid, E., Sreekumar, P.,
and Thompson, D.J., "EGRET detection of the blazar PKS
0420-014 ", Ap. J., 438, 659 (1995).
87. Fierro, J.M.,
Arzoumanian, Z., Bertsch, D.L., Brazier, K.T.S., D'Amico, N.,
Dingus, B., Esposito, J., Fichtel, C.E., Hartman, R.C., Hunter,
S.D., Johnston, S., Kanbach, G., Kniffen, D.A., Lin, Y.C., Lyne,
A.G., Manchester, R.N., Mayer-Hasselwander, H.A., von Montigny,
C., Michelson, P.F., Nice, D.J., Schneid, E., Sreekumar, P.,
Taylor, J.H., and Thompson, D.J., ¡§EGRET high-energy gamma-ray
pulsar studies. II. Individual millisecond pulsars", Ap.
J., 447, 807 (1995).
86. Lin, Y.C.,
Bertsch, D.L., Dingus, B., Esposito, J., Fichtel, C.E., Hartman,
R.C., Hunter, S.D., Kanbach, G., Kniffen, D.A., Lin, Y.C., Mayer-Hasselwander,
H.A., von Montigny, C., Michelson, P.F., Schneid, E., Sreekumar,
P., Thompson, D.J. and Willis, T.D., ¡§EGRET Observations of
BL Lacertae objects 0716+714 and 0521-365", Ap. J., 442,
96 (1995).
85. Radecke, D.-D.,
Bertsch, D.L., Dingus, B., Esposito, J., Fichtel, C.E., Hartman,
R.C., Hunter, S.D., Kanbach, G., Kniffen, D.A., Lin, Y.C., Mayer-Hasselwander,
H.A., von
84. Ramanamurthy,
P.V., Arzoumanian, Z., Bertsch, D.L., D'Amico, N., Dingus, B.,
Esposito, J., Fichtel, C.E., Fierro, J.M., Hartman, R.C., Hunter,
S.D., Johnston, S., Kanbach, G., Kniffen, D.A., Lin, Y.C., Lyne,
A.G., Manchester, R.N., Mayer-Hasselwander, H.A., von Montigny,
C., Michelson, P.F., Nice, D.J., Schneid, E., Sreekumar, P.,
and Taylor, J.H., and Thompson, D.J., "EGRET detection
of pulsed gamma radiation from PSR B1951+32 ", Ap. J. (Lett.)
, 447, L109 (1995).
83. von Montigny,
C., Bertsch, D.L., Chiang, J., Fichtel, C.E., Fierro, J.M.,
C.E., Hunter, S.D., Kanbach, G., Kniffen, D.A., Kwok, P.W.,
Lin, Y.C., Mattox, J.R., Mayer-Hasselwander, H.A., Michelson,
P.F., Nolan, P.L., Pinkau, K., Rothermel, H., Schneid, E., Sommer,
M., Sreekumar, P., Thompson, D.J., and Willis, T. "Studies
of some superluminal blazars and strong flat-spectrum radio
quasars that are not seen in high-energy gamma-rays by EGRET¡¨,
A&A, 299, 680 (1995).
82. von Montigny,
C., Bertsch, D.L., Chiang, J., Fichtel, C.E., Fierro, J.M.,
C.E., Hunter, S.D., Kanbach, G., Kniffen, D.A., Kwok, P.W.,
Lin, Y.C., Mattox, J.R., Mayer-Hasselwander, H.A., Michelson,
P.F., Nolan, P.L., Pinkau, K., Rothermel, H., Schneid, E., Sommer,
M., Sreekumar, P., Thompson, D.J., and Willis, T. "High
Energy Gamma Ray Emission from Active Galaxies: EGRET Observations
and their Implications¡¨, Ap. J., 440, 525 (1995).
81. Zhou, C.Z.,
and Michelson, P.F., ¡§Spherical resonant-mass gravitational
wave detectors¡¨, Phys. Rev. D, 51, 2517 (1995)
80. Kanbach. G.,
Arzoumanian, Z., Bertsch, D.L., Brazier, K.T.S., D'Amico, N.,
Dingus, B., Esposito, J., Fichtel, C.E., Fierro, J.M., Hartman,
R.C., Hunter, S.D., Johnston, S., Kniffen, D.A., Lin, Y.C.,
Lyne, A.G., Manchester, R.N., Mayer-Hasselwander, H.A., von
Montigny, C., Michelson, P.F., Nice, D.J., Schneid, E., Sreekumar,
P., Taylor, J.H., and Thompson, D.J., ¡§EGRET observations of
the Vela pulsar, PSR 0833-45 ", A&A, 289, 855 (1994).
79. Thompson, D.J.,
Arzoumanian, Z., Bertsch, D.L., Brazier, K.T.S., D'Amico, N.,
Dingus, B., Esposito, J., Fichtel, C.E., Fierro, J.M., Hartman,
R.C., Hunter, S.D., Johnston, S., Kanbach, G., Kaspi, V.M.,
Kniffen, D.A., Lin, Y.C., Lyne, A.G., Manchester, R.N., Mattox,
J.R., Mayer-Hasselwander, H.A., von Montigny, C., Michelson,
P.F., Nel, H.I., Nice, D.J., Schneid, E., Sreekumar, P., and
Taylor, J.H., "EGRET High-Energy Gamma-ray Pulsar Studies,
Part I: Young Spin-powered Pulsars", Ap. J., 436, 229 (1994).
78. Fichtel, C.E.,
Bertsch, D.L., Hartman, R.C., Hunter, S.D., Kanbach, G., Kniffen,
D.A., Lin, Y.C., Mattox, J.R., Mayer-Hasselwander, H.A., von
Montigny, C., Michelson, P.F., Nolan, P.L., Schneid, E., Sommer,
M., Sreekumar, P., and Thompson, D.J., "Search of the Energetic
Gamma-Ray Experiment Telescope (EGRET) data for high-energy
gamma-ray microsecond bursts¡¨, Ap. J., 434, 557 (1994).
77. Vaughan, B.A.,
van der Klis, M., Wood, K.S., Norris, J.P., Hertz, P., Michelson,
P.F., van Paradijs, J., Lewin, W.H.G., Mitsuda, K., and Pennix,
W., ¡§Searches for millisecond pulsars in low-mass X-ray binaries
II.¡¨, Ap.J., 435, 362 (1994).
76. Michelson,
P.F., Bertsch, D.L., Brazier, K.T.S., Chiang, J., Fichtel, C.E.,
Fierro, J.M., Hartman, R.C., Hunter, S.D., Kanbach, G., Kniffen,
D.A., Lin, Y.C., Mattox, J.R., Mayer-Hasselwander, H.A., von
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