Peng Xu

Ph.D, Stanford Univeristy
Peng Xu 

Ph.D. in ICME, Stanford Univerisity
Advisors: Chris R‌é and Michael Mahoney


About Me

I am currently an applied scientist in Amazon Web Services AI Lab. I received my Ph.D. in Institute for Computational and Mathematical Engineering(ICME) from Stanford Univeristy, where I was co-advised by Chris R‌é and Michael Mahoney. My research interest lies in randomized linear algebra, optimization and machine learning. In particular I am interested in leveraging tools from randomized linear algebra to provide efficient and scalable solutions for large-scale optimization and learning problems. Before joining Stanford, I recieved my B.S. in Mathematics from Fudan University.


[google scholar]


Teaching assistant at Stanford University for:

Teaching assistant at PCMI Graduate Summer School 2016: The Mathematics of Data