In preparation
- Y. Huo, C. C. Fesenmaier, and P. B. Catrysse, "Effects of imaging lens f-number on sub-2 μm CMOS image sensor pixel performance"
- W. Shin, W. Cai , P. B. Catrysse, G. Veronis, M. Brongersma, and S. Fan, "Broadband sharp 90-degree bends and T-splitters in plasmonic coaxial waveguides," Nano Lett. 13, 4753, 2013.
- X. Yu, T. Skauli, B. Skauli, S. Sandhu, P. B. Catrysse, and S. Fan, "Wireless power transfer in the presence of metallic planes: experimental results," AIP Advances 3, 062102, 2013.
- P. B. Catrysse and T. Skauli, "Pixel scaling in infrared focal plane arrays," Appl. Opt. 52, C72, 2013.
- P. B. Catrysse, F. H. Imai, D. C. Linne von Berg, and J. T. Sheridan, "Imaging systems and applications," Appl. Opt. 52, ISA1, 2013.
- P. B. Catrysse and S. Fan, "Routing of deep-subwavelength optical beams and images without reflection and diffraction using infinitely anisotropic metamaterials," Adv. Mater. 25, 194, 2013.
- L. Verslegers, Z. Yu, Z. Ruan, P. B. Catrysse, and S. Fan, "From electromagnetically induced transparency to super-scattering with a single structure: A coupled-mode theory for doubly resonant structures," Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 083902, 2012.
- G. Bennett, P. B. Catrysse, J. E. Farrell, B. Fowler, and J. N. Mait, "Imaging systems and applications," Appl. Opt. 51, ISA1, 2012.
- J. E. Farrell, P. B. Catrysse, and B. A. Wandell, "Digital camera simulation," Appl. Opt. 51, A80, 2012.
- P. B. Catrysse and S. Fan, "Transverse electromagnetic modes in aperture waveguides containing a metamaterial with extreme anisotropy," Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 223902, 2011.
- L. Verslegers, Z. Yu, P. B. Catrysse, and S. Fan, "Temporal coupled-mode theory for resonant apertures," J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 27, 1947, 2010.
- P. B. Catrysse and S. Fan, "Nano-patterned metallic films for use as transparent conductive electrodes in optoelectronic devices," Nano Lett. 10, 2944, 2010.
- P. B. Catrysse and S. Süsstrunk, "Digital Photography," J. Electron. Imaging 19, 021101, 2010.
- Y. Huo, C. C. Fesenmaier, and P. B. Catrysse, "Microlens performance limits in sub-2μm pixel CMOS image sensors," Opt. Express 18, 5861, 2010.
- L. Verslegers, P. B. Catrysse, Z. Yu, W. Shin, Z. C. Ruan, and S. Fan, "Phase front design with metallic pillar arrays," Opt. Lett. 35, 844, 2010.
- P. B. Catrysse, L. Verslegers, Z. Yu, J. S. White, E. S. Barnard, M. L. Brongersma, and S. Fan, "Planar lenses based on nanoscale slit arrays in a metallic film," in Optics in 2009 issue of Optics and Photonics News 20, 24, 2009.
- L. Verslegers, P. B. Catrysse, Z. Yu, and S. Fan, "Planar metallic nanoscale slit lenses for angle compensation," Appl. Phys. Lett. 95, 071112, 2009.
- L. Verslegers, P. B. Catrysse, Z. Yu, and S. Fan, "Deep-subwavelength focusing and steering of light in an aperiodic metallic waveguide array," Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 033902, 2009.
- P. B. Catrysse and S. Fan, "Understanding the dispersion of coaxial plasmonic structures through a connection with the planar metal-insulator-metal geometry," Appl. Phys. Lett. 94, 231111, 2009.
- L. Verslegers*, P. B. Catrysse,* Z. Yu, J. S. White, E. S. Barnard, M. L. Brongersma, and S. Fan, "Planar lenses based on nanoscale slit arrays in a metallic film," Nano Lett. 9, 235, 2009.
(* Both authors contributed equally to this work and should be considered joint first) (Featured as Research Highlight in Nature Photonics, Feb 2009)
- C. C. Fesenmaier, Y. Huo, and P. B. Catrysse, "Optical confinement methods for continued scaling of CMOS image sensor pixels," Opt. Express 16, 20457, 2008.
(Featured as World News in Laser Focus World, February 2009)
- R. Dinyari, S.-B. Rim, K. Huang, P. B. Catrysse, and P. Peumans, "Curving monolithic silicon for non-planar focal plane array applications," Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 091114, 2008.
(Featured in Photonics Spectra, May 2008 and Laser Focus World, June 2008)
- S.-B. Rim, P. B. Catrysse, R. Dinyari, K. Huang and P. Peumans, "The optical advantages of curved focal plane arrays," Opt. Express 16, 4965, 2008.
(Featured in Photonics Spectra, May 2008 and Laser Focus World, June 2008)
- P. B. Catrysse and S. Fan, "Propagating plasmonic modes in nano-scale apertures and its implications for extra-ordinary transmission," J. Nanophoton. 2, 021790, 2008. [pdf]
(Featured as one of the most cited papers in J. Nanophoton.)
- P. B. Catrysse, "Beaming light into the nanoworld," Nature Physics 3, 839, 2007. [pdf]
- P. B. Catrysse and S. Fan, "Enlarging the bandwidth of nano-scale propagating plasmonic modes in deep-subwavelength cylindrical holes," Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 181118, 2007. [pdf]
- P. B. Catrysse and S. Fan, "Near-complete transmission through subwavelength hole arrays in phonon-polaritonic thin films," Phys. Rev. B 75, 075422, 2007. [pdf]
(Selected for Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science and Technology 15, Issue 11, 2007)
- P. B. Catrysse, J.-T. Shen, G. Veronis, H. Shin, and S. Fan, "Metallic metamaterials with a high index of refraction," in Optics in 2006 issue of Optics and Photonics News 17, 34, 2006. [pdf]
- J. Shin, J.-T. Shen, P. B. Catrysse, and S. Fan, "Cut-through metal slit array as an anisotropic metamaterial film," IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron. 12, 1116, 2006. [pdf]
- P. B. Catrysse, G. Veronis, H. Shin, J.-T. Shen, and S. Fan, "Guided modes supported by plasmonic films with a periodic arrangement of sub-wavelength slits," Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 31101, 2006. [pdf]
- P. B. Catrysse, H. Shin, and S. Fan, "Propagating modes in subwavelength cylindrical holes," J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 23, 2675, 2005. [pdf]
- H. Shin, P. B. Catrysse, and S. Fan, "The effect of propagating modes on the transmission properties of subwavelength cylindrical holes," Phys. Rev. B 72, 85436, 2005.
- J.-T. Shen, P. B. Catrysse, and S. Fan, "Mechanism for designing metallic metamaterials with a high index of refraction," Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 197401, 2005. [pdf]
- R. Zia, M. D. Selker, P. B. Catrysse, and M. L. Brongersma, "Geometries and materials for subwavelength surface plasmon modes," J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 21, 2442, 2004. [pdf]
(Selected for Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science 4, Issue 1, 2005)
- P. B. Catrysse, W. Suh, S. Fan, and M. Peeters, "One-mode model for patterned metal layers inside integrated color pixels," Opt. Lett. 29, 974, 2004. [pdf]
- P. B. Catrysse and B. A. Wandell, "Integrated color pixels in 0.18-µm complementary metal oxide semiconductor technology," J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 20, 2293, 2003. [pdf]
- L. Hesselink, D. Rizal, E. Bjornson, S. Paik, R. Batra, P. B. Catrysse, D. Savage, and A. Wong, "Stanford CyberLab: Internet Assisted Laboratories," Int. J. Dist. Ed. Technol. 1, 22, 2003.
- P. B. Catrysse and B. A. Wandell, "Optical Efficiency of Image Sensor Pixels," J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 19, 1610, 2002. [pdf]
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