EE102A: Signal Processing and Linear Systems I


Concepts and mathematical tools in signal processing and linear systems analysis, illustrated with examples from signal processing, communications, and control. Mathematical representation of signals and systems. Linearity and time-invariance. System impulse and step response. Frequency domain representations: Fourier series and Fourier transforms. Filtering and signal distortion. Time/frequency sampling and interpolation. Continuous-discrete time signal conversion and quantization. Discrete time signal processing. Prerequisite: Calculus.

Course Information

See the information in the links on the left.


Final Exam Solutions

The solutions to the final exam are available on the left under “Solutions”. The scores were high, with a median of 182 and a mean of 175.

Final Exam

The final exam will be in Hewlett 201 on Tuesday March 21st from 8:30 to 11:30. The format will be exactly the same as the midterms. You will have three hours for seven questions.

HW 8 solutions, and last year's Final Exam

The solutions to HW8 have been posted on the left, along with last years final, and the solutions to last years final.

Lab 6 Data File

A version of the data file stored with the -v7.3 switch has been uploaded. See the Assignemnts link on the left.

MT 2

Midterm 2 will be in 420-040 on Wednesday, Marh 1. This is the same room as last time. This will cover everything through Lecture 11, “Frequency Response of LTI Systems,” and HW 6. The format of the midterm will be identical to that of the previous midterm.

HW 5 and 6 Solutions

Solutions are posted at the link on the left.

MT Solutions, HW4

Solutions for the midterm are available at the links on the left, as well as HW4.

Office Hours

No 11 AM Tuesday office hours this week (Jan 31). I won't be here.

I will have office hours 12-1:30 Monday.

Other office hours as usual.

Homework 3 Solutions

Homework 3 solutions are posted, and available at the link on the left.


The midterm will be from 9:30-10:20 on Wednesday Feb 1. The location of the midterm is 420-040, which is the large lecture hall in the basement of Jordan Hall (the Psychology building).

You can use your notes and homework solutions, including your ipad, phone, or computer. I do ask that you shut off the network connection for the duration of the test. You can also use a calculator, but you shouldn't need one.

The midterm will cover all of the material so far, including the most recent homework. Solutions for HW1 and 2 are posted, and HW3 solutions will be posted Sunday night. You still have to turn HW3 in at the usual time.

Solutions for HW 1 and 2 are posted, and available at the link on the left

Homework and Lab 2 has been posted

First Review Session
The first review session will be 7PM tonight (Jan 16) in Packard 101 (or 202, or 204 if 101 is busy).

Radio Class
The radio class will be in 380-380W on Thursdays from 7-8

TA Office Hours
The TA office ours are

  • Monday 3-4, Payton, Packard Room 104

  • Tuesday 4-5, Dinislam, Packard Room 107

  • Wednesday 2-3, Arjun, Packard Room 109

  • Wednesday 3-4, Mark, Packard Room 109

My Office Hours
My office hours are Tuesdays and Fridays from 11-12. If that doesn't work for you, let me know and will find a time that does work.

Turning in Homework
There will be a file cabinet drawer for EE102A on the second floor of Packard. Turn your homework there, and pick up your graded homework.