Finite-sample Guarantees for Winsorized Importance Sampling


Importance sampling is a widely used technique to estimate the properties of a distribution. The resulting estimator is always unbiased, but may sometimes incur huge variance. This paper investigates trading-off some bias for variance by winsorizing the importance sampling estimator.

The threshold level at which to winsorize is determined by a concrete version of the Balancing Principle, also known as Lepski’s Method, which may be of independent interest. The procedure adaptively chooses a threshold level among a pre-defined set by roughly balancing the bias and variance of the estimator when winsorized at different levels. As a consequence, it provides a principled way to perform winsorization, with finite-sample optimality guarantees.

The empirical performance of the winsorized estimator is considered in various examples, both real and synthetic. The estimator outperforms the usual importance sampling estimator in high variance settings, and remains competitive when the variance of the importance sampling weights is low.

Paulo Orenstein
PhD candidate in Statistics