Code Review Meetings
I will meet individually with each of the project teams for one hour to talk with you about my code review for your Project 1. Here is some information about those meetings.
The meetings will take in my office (Gates 448).
One of you should set up your laptop to display the pull request comments on one side of the screen and an IDE on the other side that we can use to look at the code in question (it's too awkward to look at the code in the pull request, due to the large number of comments).
You can find my comments at the bottom of the main page for the pull request. I will want to go over all of those marked "Let's discuss." I'm also happy to discuss any other comments that you wish to discuss (for example, if you don't understand them or disagree with them). Note that GitHub initially displays only a few of my comments; search for "Load more..." and click on it repeatedly until all of my comments are visible. During the meeting, we'll search for all appearances of the phrase "Let's discuss" and talk about as many as we can.
Make sure you have read over my review comments before the meeting. In some cases I will have given you specific issues to consider; be prepared to discuss those.
Plan on taking notes during the meeting so that you don't forget the things we discuss. One approach is for one team member to be the "driver" (their laptop is the one showing the comments and code) and the other team member to be the "note taker", for example, by adding additional comments in the pull request.
When signing up for a meeting slot, make sure you have enough time to read over my comments ahead of time. For example, your meeting should not be until at least the day after the class period when we discuss your project.
The meetings sometimes run long, so please don't schedule anything immediately after your meeting slot. If there is a code review immediately before yours, you may have to wait a few minutes if the previous review runs long.