Optional readings for this topic from Operating Systems: Principles and Practice: Section 6.5.
The deadlock problem:
- Systems usually have multiple locks
- Threads often need to hold multiple locks at the same time.
- Simple example:
Thread A Thread B mutex1.lock(); mutex2.lock(); mutex2.lock(); mutex1.lock(); ... ... mutex2.unlock(); mutex1.unlock(); mutex1.unlock(); mutex2.unlock();
- Deadlock definition:
- A collection of threads are all blocked.
- Each thread is waiting for a resource owned by one of the other threads.
- Since all threads are blocked, none can release their resources.
Four conditions for deadlock:
- Limited access: resources cannot be shared.
- No preemption. Once given, a resource cannot be taken away.
- Multiple independent requests: threads don't ask for resources all at once (hold resources while waiting).
- A circularity in the graph of requests and ownership.
- Deadlock can occur over anything that causes waiting:
- Locks
- Network messages
- Disk drive
- Memory space exhausted
- Deadlock can occur over discrete resources (e.g. locks) or quantities of a more continuous resource (pages of memory).
- In general, don't know in advance which resources a thread will need.
Solution #1: deadlock detection
- Determine when system is deadlocked
- Break the deadlock by terminating one of the threads
- Usually not practical in operating systems, but often used in database systems where transactions can be aborted and retried
Solution #2: deadlock prevention: eliminate one of the necessary conditions for deadlock
- Don't allow exclusive access? Not reasonable for most applications.
- Create enough resources so that they never run out? May work for things like disk space, but locks for synchronization are intentionally limited in number.
- Allow preemption? Works for some resources but not others (e.g., can't preempt a lock).
- Require threads to request all resources at the same time;
either get them all or wait for them all.
- Tricky to implement: must wait for several things without locking any of them.
- Inconvenient for thread: hard to predict needs in advance. May require thread to over-allocate just to be safe.
- Prevent circularities: all threads request resources in the
same order (e.g., always lock
). This is the most common approach used in operating systems.