Project 3: A Simple Bash-Like Shell

In this project you and your teammate will implement a simple shell called clash ("class shell"). The behavior of clash is almost identical to bash, but it only supports a subset of the features in bash. If you're not sure how a particular feature should work, try the same feature in bash. The intent is that the descriptions below all match bash behavior; if you find that they don't, let me know and implement the bash behavior instead. Note: the manual page for bash is not totally correct in its descriptions of how bash works, so use bash, not its manual page, as your reference point.


Clash executes commands, where each command consists of one or more words. Clash reads input and parses the input according to the syntax rules described below to produce the words for a command. Then it executes the command. Typically, the first word of a command selects an executable file; clash spawns a new process to execute that file and passes all of the words to the process as its argv arguments. Some commands are executed directly by clash (built-in commands), so they do not result in the creation of a new process. Processes can be grouped into pipelines, where data flows from one process to the next in the pipeline.


Command separators: commands are separated by semicolons (";") and/or newline characters. The pipeline character ("|") also serves as a command separator.

Word separators: space and tab characters are treated as word separators; newlines are also treated as word separators during variable and command substitution. The characters ";", "<", ">", and "|" also act as word separators.

Backslash substitution: a backslash quotes the character that follows it, so that the following character becomes part of the current word and receives no special treatment; the backslash is dropped. For example, backslash followed by a space character causes the space character to appear in the current word; it does not act as a word separator. "\$" causes "$" to be inserted in the current word; it will not trigger variable substitution. If a backslash character is followed by a newline, then both the backslash and the newline will be dropped; neither will appear in the word, and the newline is not treated as a command separator.

Single quotes: when a single-quote character appears, all of the characters between that single-quote and the next single-quote will be incorporated literally into the current word; none of these characters will be given any special treatment (i.e. backslashes inside single-quotes do not invoke backslash substitution; they will appear in the word). The single quotes do not appear in the word.

Double quotes: when a double-quote character appears, all of the characters between that double-quote and the next unquoted double-quote will be incorporated into the current word. Command substitution, variable substitution, and backslash substitution are performed on the information between double quotes, but no other characters are treated specially. For example, spaces are not treated as word separators and ";" is not treated as a command separator. Backslash substitution between double quotes is slightly different then described above: backslash substitution is only performed if the character following the backslash is "$", "`" (backquote), double-quote, backslash, or newline; in all other cases, the backslash and the following character are simply copied to the current word.

Variable substitution: when a dollar sign appears ("$"), it triggers variable substitution. The characters following the dollar sign are treated as the name of a variable, and the value of that variable is inserted in the current word in place of the name. The variable name can take three forms:

If there is no variable by the given name, then clash should behave as if the variable existed with an empty value. White space in the value of a variable (spaces, tabs, or newlines) results in additional word breaks. This process is described in more detail below.

Command substitution: when a backquote character appears ("`"), it triggers command substitution. The characters between the backquote character and the next unquoted backquote character are treated as a shell script (which can contain one or more pipelines) and executed. The standard output generated by this execution is captured and substituted in the current word in place of the command. While scanning for the terminating backquote character, no substitutions are performed except that "\`" is replaced with "`". Once the closing backquote has been found and the command is executed, the result is copied into the current word and reparsed from scratch; at this point, all of the usual substitutions will occur. When the result of the command is copied into the current word, spaces, tabs, and newlines result in additional word breaks. This process is described in more detail below.

Tilde substitution: if the first character of a word is a "~", it triggers tilde substitution. All of the characters up to the next "/" or the end of the word, whichever comes first, are treated as a user name; if there exists a user by that name, then path for that user's home directory is substituted in place of the tilde and the name. If no such user exists, then no substitution is performed: the tilde and the user name are passed through to the current word. If the user name is empty, then the value of the HOME variable is substituted.

Path expansion: if a word contains any of the unquoted characters "?", "*", or "[", then path expansion is performed: clash will treat the contents of the word as a pattern, find the names of all existing files that match that pattern, and substitute those file names for the original word. Each matching file name becomes a separate word. "?" matches any single character in a file's name. "*" matches any contiguous range of characters. For example, the pattern "*/*.cc" will match all files in all subdirectories of the current directory that have a ".cc" extension. Brackets, such as "[xyz]", will match one character if it appears between the brackets. If the first character between the brackets is a "^", such as "[^xyz]", then the sense is reversed: a character will be matched only if it doesn't appear between the brackets. If the characters between brackets include a structure such as "a-c", it is equivalent to listing all of the characters in that range. For example, "[0-9]" matches any digit. If the pattern does not match any files, then the pattern itself is copied to the current word.

Pipelines and Redirection

If two commands are separated by "|" characters, then they form a pipeline: the standard output of the first command is written to a pipe, which serves as the standard input for the second command. A pipeline may contain any number of commands.

If an unquoted ">" character appears in a command, then the word following the ">" is treated as the name of a file and the standard output of the command will be redirected to that file. If the command is part of a pipeline, then the redirection applies to that command; this means that the standard input for the following command in the pipeline will be empty (i.e. immediate end-of-file condition). If an unquoted "<" character appears in a command, then the following word is treated as the name of a file and the standard input of the command will be read from that file. If the command is part of a pipeline, then any output from the previous pipeline stage will be discarded.

Parsing Order

The syntax rules described above are fairly simple when considered in isolation, but they combine in ways that create a lot of complexity. The exact order in which the rules are applied is crucial to the behavior of clash. Your implementation of clash must behave as if the substitutions are performed in the following order (your implementation needn't necessarily follow this order, but it must produce the same results as if it did):

Command Execution

Once a command has been parsed into words and all of the substitutions and expansions have been performed, the command is executed. In the normal case this is done by creating one subprocess for each command, using fork and exec. If the first word of a command contains a "/" character, then the contents of that word are used as the name of the executable file; otherwise, the PATH variable is used to select the executable as described below. Between the calls to fork and exec for each subprocess, you must modify file descriptors for the child in order to implement I/O redirection and pipelines. The environment variables passed to each child must reflect clash's variable bindings, as discussed below.

There are two situations in which clash executes a command directly, rather than spawning a subprocess: variable assignments and built-in commands. If a command contains a single word, and if the word starts with a valid variable name (an initial letter followed by any number of letters or digits) followed by "=", then the text following the "=" is used as the new value for the given variable. In this case, clash performs the variable assignment instead of creating a subprocess. All the usual substitutions are performed before executing a variable assignment. For example,

output="`wc *.cc`"
will set the value of the variable output to the standard output produced by the wc command.

In addition to variable assignments, clash supports a collection of builtin commands, which it executes directly. Here are the builtin commands you must support:

Reading Commands

If clash is invoked with no command-line arguments, it reads commands from its standard input, which can be either a terminal or a file. If standard input is a terminal (which can be determined with the isatty function), then clash outputs a "% " prompt before reading each line of input. In most cases, each line of input can be parsed and executed separately: it contains either a single command, a pipeline, or a collection of commands or pipelines separated by semicolons. In this case, clash parses and executes each line of input before reading the next line.

However, there may be times when a line of input does not contain a complete command, such as the following:

echo x y "abc 
This command is not complete, because there is not a matching double-quote for the existing double-quote. Unmatched single-quotes can also result in incomplete commands, as can a variable name with an unmatched "{" character. If clash reads a line that is incomplete, then it does not immediately execute that line. Instead, it reads another line (preceded by a "> " prompt, if standard input is a terminal). It continues reading lines until it has one or more complete commands; then it parses the input and executes the commands. If clash reaches an end-of-file on its standard input, then it executes whatever input it has, even if it is incomplete; this will result in an error message, if the input was incomplete.

If the standard input for clash is not a terminal, clash still reads commands from its standard input and processes them as described above. However, in this case clash does not output prompts.

Command-Line Arguments

If clash is invoked with command-line arguments, then it doesn't read commands from its standard input. If the first command-line argument is "-c", then the second argument is a shell script (one or more commands separated by semi-colons). In this case, clash executes that script and then exits.

If the first command-line argument is not "-c", then it must be the name of a file. In this case, clash reads commands from that file instead of standard input; clash exits when it reaches the end of the file.

Variables and Environment Variables

Clash maintains a table of variable bindings, which are used for variable substitutions. Each variable has a string name and a string value. The following variable names have special meanings defined by clash:

When clash starts, it creates one variable for each environment variable received from its parent. When clash creates subprocesses, it passes some of its variables to the subprocess as environment variables. These variables are referred to as exported. When clash creates initial variable bindings from its environment, it marks each of these variables as exported. The export built-in command can be used to mark additional variables as exported.

The PATH Variable and its Cache

The PATH variable is used by clash to locate executables for commands. It consists of any number of directory names separated by colons. To execute a command, clash searches each of the directories in the PATH variable to see if they contain an executable file whose name is the same as the first word of the command. If so, the first matching file that is executable is used (if no executable file is found, the first non-executable one is used).

However, searching through all the directories in the PATH variable is too expensive to perform for each command execution. Instead, you must keep a cache of mappings from command names to executable file names. You must ensure that the cache is updated whenever the PATH variable changes (you do not need to update the cache when files are created or deleted in directories in the path).

If no PATH variable exists, then use "/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin" as the default.

Note: the PATH mechanism is only used if the first word of a command contains no "/" characters. If the first word contains a "/" character, then the word is used directly as the name of the executable, bypassing the PATH mechanism.

Exit Status for Clash

If clash encounters an end-of-file condition on its standard input at a point where it has no partially-assembled command, then it exits. It returns the value of the $? variable (the exit status of the most recently executed command) as its exit status, unless the exit is caused by the exit built-in command. In that case, the exit status is determined by the argument to exit.

Error Handling

There are many error conditions that can occur in clash, such as trying to "cd" to a non-existent directory, or the presence of a ">" without a file to redirect to. You must detect these errors and handle them appropriately. In most cases, the right behavior is to abort the current command, print an appropriate message, and continue processing more commands. Try experiments with bash to see how it handles various errors, and do the same in clash. Try to make your error messages as similar as possible to those from bash.

Additional Notes and Requirements

Submitting Your Project

To submit your project, push all of your changes to GitHub (on the project3 branch) and then create a pull request on GitHub. The base for the pull request should be your master branch (which has nothing on it except your initial commit) and the comparison branch should be the head of your project3 branch. Use "Project 3" as the title for your pull request. If your project is not completely functional at the time you submit, describe what is and isn't working in the comments for the pull request. Include a file test.out in your commit, which is the output generated by running

If you are planning to use late days for this project (or any project) please send me an email before the project deadline so that I know how many late days you plan to use.