Enrollment in CS 190 will be limited to 20 students and will require permission of the instructor. If you wish to take the class, you must submit an application by email to John Ousterhout (ouster@cs) by Sunday, March 6, 2016, at 11:59 P.M. Admissions decisions will be announced by Monday, March 14. Applications received after March 6 will be considered only if there are unfilled places in the class.
Your application should consist of a single email message containing a copy of your transcript and answers to the following questions:
Keep your answers short and to the point; focus on what is most important. All of your answers should fit in no more than 400 words.
CS 140 is an important prerequisite for this class (it ensures that you have done some fairly heavy-duty programming). I am unlikely to admit people who haven't taken CS 140 unless there are unfilled slots in the class. In addition, graduating seniors will receive priority for admission.