Security: Isolation
Lecture Notes for CS 142
Winter 2014
John Ousterhout
- Additional reading for this topic: none.
- The isolation problem:
- Web content comes from many sources, not all equally
- Trusted and untrusted content are in close proximity
(frames, tabs, sequential visits).
- Must separate various forms of content so that untrusted content
cannot corrupt/misuse trusted content.
- Example: a "good" page displays a sponsored ad:
- Attackers can buy advertisements, use them to attack
good pages.
- Advertiser gets to supply content for ad (e.g. "good"
page links to advertiser site in <iframe>)
- Ad can contain <script> elements that access
DOM, submit forms, etc.
Same-Origin Policy
- General idea: separate content with different trust levels
into different frames, restrict communication between
- One frame can access content in another frame only if they
both came from the same origin. Origin =
- Protocol
- Domain name
- Port (in some browsers).
- All modern browsers implement the same-origin policy.
- Same-origin applies to AJAX requests also.
- Where same-origin doesn't apply:
- <script> tags: Javascript executes with full
privileges of the enclosing frame.
- By itself, the same-origin policy is too restrictive: there are
times when it is useful for frames with different origins to
communicate in various ways.
- New HTML5 feature: Access-Control-Allow-Origin header in
HTTP responses:
- Specifies one or more domains that may access this object's DOM.
- Can use "*" to allow universal access.
- HTML5 postMessage mechanism:
- Allows frames to send messages to each other in a controlled
- Sender (from domain
frames[0].postMessage("Hello world", "");
- Receiver (domain can check origin:
window.addEventListener("message", doEvent);
function doEvent(e) {
if (e.origin == "") {
... ... }
Cookie Security
- Cookies can be read and written from Javascript:
document.cookie = "name=value; expires=1/1/2011"
- Browsers use the same-origin policy to restrict access to